Three Perceptions Of The New Year
Contributed by Robert Cobb on Dec 23, 2000 (message contributor)
Summary: An expository outline of Psalm 84.
I. Looking Back at Past Blessings v. 1-4
1. A Sweet Fellowship v. 1-2
2. A Special Fascination v. 3
3. A Satisfying Freshness v. 4
II. Looking Around at Present Needs v. 5-8
1. Strength that Blesses v. 5
2. Strength that Believes v. 6
3. Strength that Builds v. 7-8
III. Looking Ahead to Prospective Opportunities v. 9-12
1. His Presence v. 9
2. His Providence v. 10
3. His Portion v. 11
4. His Protection v.12
NOTES: v. 1-2 The fact that the writer longs for the courts of God insinuates that he has enjoyed the fellowship of God in the past.
v. 3 Even the birds which built their nests in the temple hold special fascination in the thoughts of the psalmist. Apply to the Christian’s fascination with God and His work in times of spiritual blessing.
v. 4 Compare the psalmist’s praises and "dwelling" to the fullness of the Spirit in the church age.
v. 5 Strength that blesses the "heart" -the seat of human emotions and will.
v. 6 Baca means "tears" God gives us the strength to believe that even our heartaches and burdens will work to our good and His glory.
v. 7 "from strength to strength" constantly building in strength
v. 9 David was "God’s annointed." We too have a special relationship with God. His presence goes with us.
v. 10 If we are in God’s will, it matters not our circumstances. Living for God ultimately pays in the end.
v. 11 If we walk with God, we can be sure of God’s portion.
v. 12 Trust implies security and confidence. His protection is on His people.
The Lamp & the Light
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