
Summary: In Genesis 3:15, we see the introduction of Satan, suffering, and the Savior.

Three Introductions Gen. 3:15

INTRO.: ILLUS.:Weatherman. In the Bible prophecy is very important. It validates the Bible as God’s Word. It validates Jesus’ claims to be the Son of God.

There are more than 300 prophecies of the Christ in the Old Testament. They are all fulfilled in Jesus. This is the very first, an introductory prophecy. Let’s look at it

I. Introducing the enemy:

A. Who is He?

1. He is the sworn enemy of all that is good.

2. He is the father of all lies.

3. What Jesus said of him. John 8:44

4. He is not alone. He has strong allies. Eph.. 6:12

B. What does he want?

1. He wants to separate us from God. To make us ashamed to be in God’s Presence. Gen. 3:7-10

2. He wants our destruction.

3. He wants to cause us to doubt God’s existence and authority.

C. How does he seek to get what he wants?

1. By causing us to doubt God’s word if he can. “Has not God said. .”

2. By lying. “You shall not surely die.”

3. Be appealing to the flesh. Gen. 3:6

4. He is the cause of all wars, the source of all cults, the leader of all rebellion against law and order.

5. He tries to convince us our desires are more important than God’s Law.

II. Introducing suffering:

A. Suffering started in Genesis 3 because of sin:

1. First, Adam and Eve suffered embarrassment when found by God to have sinned.

2. Then Eve was sentenced to suffer in childbirth.

3. Adam would have to earn his living by the sweat of his face. The earth would be cursed.

4. The serpent was cursed above all beasts of the field.

5. We are introduced to the ultimate suffering in our text. The bruising of the Seed’s heel.

6. Finally, an innocent animal suffers to cover up the shame of Adam’s sin and foreshadow the sacrificial death of Christ.

B. Suffering is endured by all:

1. Nothing comes easy in this life. We all endure some suffering. ILLUS.: Brick mason.

2. I’m amazed some people think Christians shouldn’t suffer and claim it comes from a lack of faith. We serve a Savior Who suffered.

3. Suffering and death are in the world because of sin. They are all universal to the race.

C. Suffering ust be overcome by grace:

1. The serpent’s head will be crushed.

2. Man is the victim of his own rebellious spirit. He has fallen to the enemy and has nothing to offer.

3. We all want deliverance from sin, suffering, death.

III. Introducing the Savior:

A. Who is He?

1. The seed of the woman. I.e.: Eve’s descendant.

2. The center of God’s plan since before creation. Eph. 1:4. God knew men would sin and made provision for his forgiveness.

3. Because death came into the world through a man, life must come through a man.

4. The eternal One Who was to come into time in human flesh. John 1:1-5

B. What does He want?

1. He wants to save all mankind for eternal life. John 3:16

2. He wants to crush the head of the enemy.

3. He wants to destroy the devil’s works. I Jn. 3:8

C. How did He go about getting what He wants?

1. He came in an earthly body that He would sacrifice. Heb. 10:5, 6

2. Through a death & resurrection: I Cor. 15:3-5

3. He paid the price of our redemption with His suffering.

CONC.: In this, the first prophecy of the coming of Jesus, we see the introduction of Satan, suffering, and the Savior. This is the beginning of the preaching of good news.


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