
Summary: Christ is on that cross for six hours and we can imagine that during the time he endured that suffering his gaze must have fallen upon the people gathered at the foot of the cross. What did He see as he glanced at them. Message in Lent.

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The theme that has run through this Lenten Series the cross.

And Beloved ......through the cross .....the love and grace of God ..... was displayed. (Pause)

The image which I would suggest to you this that of Christ ..... upon the cross.

He is on that cross for six hours .....and we can imagine that during that time of suffering ....his gaze .....must have fallen upon the people ......gathered..... at the foot of the cross.

(Slow) He glanced at them.

Now the Scriptures tell us very little .....about those ..... who were there.

But let us assume for a moment ......that there were three people..... with whom Jesus had a relationship some point during his three years ..... of his Ministry.

The first individual ....... upon whom Christ's gaze might have fallen ..... could have been Matthew.

Perhaps you know Matthews story.

He was also called Levi, ...... the son of Alpheus.

Before becoming a disciple ....he was a tax collector the service of Herod Antipas.

He levied taxes on merchandise carried over the Damascus-Acre road.

And he also may have taxed .... those who fished on the Sea of Galilee.

He was a hated man ....regarded as a traitor .... as the enemy.

It is very likely that Matthew, .....with his overwhelming concern for material wealth, .....did little to better ..... his reputation with his countrymen.

In all probability, .....he cared ..... very little .....for what others .....thought.

Material security ..... was the byword in his life.

Yet something happened to Matthew one day as he sat at his tax collecting station.

Jesus came by, ....glanced in his direction and said, "Follow me."

And Luke records ..... that Matthew left everything ..... rose up .... and followed Jesus.

What did it take to do that?

What kind of impact must Jesus have had upon this man.....

Which would impel him to leave everything for which he had worked....., to rise up .... and follow him?

Could you ..... would you ...... leave everything ...... to follow him? (Pause)

In many respects ......the story of Matthew's relationship with Jesus ..... had a good ending, ......but that was not always ....the case. (Pause)

As he hung upon the cross, ....Jesus may have glanced .....into the eyes .....of the rich young ruler.

We do not really even know if this man was there, .....but let us assume for a moment .....that he was.

You know his story...... He was a good person.

Most would be proud to be The kind of man ..... this individual was.

He was a morally upright member of his community.

He kept the letter and spirit of the law.

He was interested in being ....a good person.

Yet, when the crisis point came in his life, .......when push came to shove, .....

When it became time to choose between following Christ .....and hanging on to that which the world calls security, ....... he was unable to respond. (Pause)

What was in his personality .....what was in his very being ..... which prevented A response?

As we think about his life, we see any elements in common ..... with our own?

The writer of the Gospel ....would have us understand .....that it was wealth .....which kept this young man .....from following Christ.

His material possessions were substantial .....and they stood between him .....and God.

Perhaps some of you have possessions that hold a grip ..... on your life.

And as we all are aware ......there are other things besides material possessions ......which can prevent us .....from fully accepting God's gift ....of grace.

What in your life .....may be preventing you ..... from fully accepting..... this gift of grace.

Finally, ....Christ may have glanced toward a third person, ..... and this man is presented as perhaps .....the most human .....of all the disciples.

Peter ....truly was a man ....of contradictions.

He was capable of clear insight into the meaning of Jesus words ......and at the same time .....he could be incredibly .... obtuse.

He was both courageous and cowardly.

And this is the man to whom Jesus said,,,,,,"You are Petros .... and upon this rock ....I will build my church,"

What thoughts may have gone through Peter's mind as Christ looked toward him from the cross?

Peter had denied the Lord three times.... Peter may have wondered .... had the Lord's trust in him .....been misplaced.

Beloved....., we as followers of the Christ ....are also called his disciples.

The grace and the trust of the Lord has been given to you and given to me.

What would Christ see in your heart ...... if his glance fell upon you?

O' are here in this place today ..... because God wanted you here.

No you did not come to this service just for yourselves ....or just to meet new friends or..... just to have a meal.

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