
Summary: In a world of few absolutes, this sermon deals with the discovery of at least three.

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We live in a society of very few absolutes. For instance, there was a day when you could shake the hand of a man and be absolutely sure he would honor his word. In this present day we have men sign contracts and wonder if they will keep their word.

However, I do want us to turn our attention to three absolutes today. These are absolutes that we can take to the bank every single time.

The first absolute is the most difficult; we do not like to talk about it or plan for it because it is the absolute of death. The writer of the book of Hebrews tells us that it is appointed unto every man once to die. You see when I entered this life from my mother’s womb my body began to grow and at a certain point it did cease to grow and just began growing older. No man can escape it. It is inevitable and one of these days I too have an appointment that I must face with death.

I do submit to you today however that death is not the end neither is it a finalization but according to the word of God it is the beginning of a new life for those who are in Christ Jesus. It was Jesus himself who said in John Chapter 14 these words; “Let not your heart be troubled for if you believe in God believe also in me. In my fathers house there are many mansions if this were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am there you may be also; and where I am going you know and the way you know.” Thomas who is referred to in the church today as the doubting one said to him;

“Lord, we don’t know where you are going and how can we know the way.” In answer to his question Jesus said to Thomas; “I Am the way the truth and the life; no man comes to the father except he come through me.” In essence Jesus was saying to Thomas and to us today; I am THE WAY and without me there is no going. I am THE TRUTH and without me there is no knowing and I am THE LIFE and without there is no living. So you see we have hope today and can rest in the fact that their was a time and place in the life of your loved one when they placed their faith and trust in Jesus the Christ and now lives forever with him not just to feel his presence but to stand face to face with the Lord himself who gave his life to pay for our redemption. I believe if God would pull back the curtain that separates mortality and immortality and we could see once again those who have gone before us we would see that they are more alive now than they ever were while they were here. We would see them in a wonderful, peaceful place. It is a land of no more sorrow, pain and most important, a place of no more death for in that place death itself has died.

This brings us to the second absolute. When we pass from this life to the next we leave to those who survive us a legacy. I have heard it said that the sum of a man is not determined by things owned or possessed rather the sum of man is determined by a life well lived. I believe there is no greater legacy but that of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. And we already know that your loved one had a life changing encounter with Him.

*Note to Clergy*

At this point it would be my suggestion to personalize this absolute by eulogizing the deceased. I have found it to be very comforting to family members and friends. If you did not know the person you will need to find out as much as you can from family and friends. And use the information that they have given you to share with the congregation as to what made the deceased special to his/her family.

We come to the third and the final absolute today but it is what I consider to be the most important absolute. It is the absolute that God is faithful. Psalm 46 and vs. 1 says that;

“God is our refuge and strength a very present help in time of trouble.” There is a story in the New Testament That I feel illustrates Psalm 46 very well. Jesus and his disciples were in a boat on the Sea of Galilee. A storm arose and the bible says that the disciples thought that they would drown in the midst of the sea. They walked to the back of the boat and found Jesus asleep. You see, Jesus was not worried about the storm for I believe he knew exactly who he was. He knew that he was the maker and master of the wind, waves and sea. When the disciples found him asleep that day they asked him this question; “Jesus, do you not care that we are getting ready to die?” The bible says that Jesus just simply stood, walked to the front of the boat and in my mind I like to picture him with an out stretched hand and he whispered the following to the wind,waves and sea and said; “ Peace; Be still.” Immediately they obeyed his voice, the storm did abate and the waves ceased to crash over the bow of the vessel. After Jesus did this thing, the King James Version of the New Testament says that the disciples were afraid. I find it interesting that they feared the storm yet they also feared the answer to the storm. I feel that there is a misconception in the church today and that misconception is this: That Jesus has the answer to all of your questions, concerns and problems. I feel that understanding is in error for I do not believe that Jesus has the answer but I would submit to you today that Jesus is the answer. He is what and who you have been searching for. He is the answer to your questions and concerns. The meaning to our very existence can be discovered just by getting to know THE ANSWER.

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Eugene Pansler Jr

commented on Nov 30, 2006

Great Message!

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