
Summary: Introduction.


A. It would be wonderful if we could always be on the mountain top, but life has its valleys and we must pass through them.

B. Baca means "weeping." It was a valley of bushes and thorns in Palestine which could not be passed without labour and tears.

C. It's in the valley that faith is put to the test. (1 Peter 1:6-7)

D. When passing through the valley, remember...

I. THE GOOD SHEPHERD CHOSE THIS ROUTE. (John 10:27; Proverbs 3:5-6)

A. Not an easy road to travel, but Jesus is leading the way.

B. It is a route that requires faith.

C. Trails and troubles.

D. Sickness, sorrow, pain, and even death.

E. Mary and Martha sent for Jesus, their brother Lazarus is sick. (John 11:1-6)

1. The sorrow and pain they must have felt.

2. Where is Jeus?

3. Lazarus is dead.

4. Jesus was right on time! (John 11:11, 20-23, 43-44)

II. IT IS TO THE GLORY OF GOD AND FOR YOUR GOOD. (Psalm 23:1-3; Romans 8:28)

A. It's in the valley...

1. Where the presence of the good Shepherd is so real. (Isaiah 43:2)

2. Where the grass is greener.

3. Where we find still waters.

4. Where we are restored.

B. In the valley...

1. We are drawn closer to our Lord.

2. We see the mighty hand of God working.

3. We grow in our faith.

4. We learn of God's perfect will.


A. A well.

B. Pools of water.

C. "...weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning," (Psalm 30:5).

D. God is faithful. You are His child, and His grace is sufficient.

E. Trust God for the blessing!


A. Are you passing through a valley?

B. Put your hand in the nail scared hand of Jesus and keep on walking.

C. And, when on the other side, you will look back and praise God for that valley.

D. You will say, "Thank you Lord, this valley was for me."

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