This Is The Pits
Contributed by Jimmy Haile on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Sometimes life seems like the pits but God can even take the pits and make them useful!
Genesis 37:18-36
Verse 20-We shall see what will become of his dreams
There is someone who wants to crush your dreams!
Satan is out to get you, to discourage you, to detain you, to derail you from reaching your dreams!
Just remember the brothers who gave Joseph so much trouble had slept sometime, but the one who troubles us is on the job 24/7, But so is God!!!
Satan is not only after you, but he is after your spouse, marriage, your children, your grandchildren, your income, your security, anything that can bring any kind of happiness or contentment to your life.
Why does he do this, because if he can get you frantic, and get your focus off what you are suppose to be doing and who you are suppose to be living for, then he has done his job.
God has got a dream for your life, He has got a vision for your life and the Devil wants to mess that up but he can’t as long as we rely and trust God to get us through the rough times and helps us accomplish the dreams that He has for us!
Verse 24-The Pit
You lost your job, and you said, “God, what am I doing in this pit??
You come home and fmd a dozen messages on your phone from those you owe money to, and you say, “God how did I get in this pit?”
Your children are about to give you a nervous breakdown and you cry out, “God, what did I do to deserve this pit?”
Some heavy trial comes along and you say, “God, what am I doing in this pit?”
“I paid my tithes, I am faithfrl to the church, I treat my neighbor right, I’m good to my children, I’m a faithful husband or wife, why am I in this pit?”
“I’ve got more problems than I know how to handle, why am I doing in this pit?
Some debate how long Joseph was in the pit, but it don’t matter when your in the pit whether it’s 5 minutes or a day, you was still in a pit!
You see the pit experience can be and is sometimes an occurrence that happens to us, sometimes in different stages of life.
We think well when I reach this certain stage of life things will be easier, their won’t be as many pitfalls.
But many times in our life it is the pit experiences that teach us the most, we have a deeper sense of who God, and He becomes more real to us than before we had the pit experience.
Verse 25-They sat down to eat:
I wonder if they blessed the food?
You know that he had to be crying out to them! Help me! Get me out of here!
Genesis 42:21-His pleas for mercy!
I wonder how many people cry out to us for help (It maybe just a word or
a comment, but they are still crying out) and we just go on about our daily life as if everything is ok!
Verse 26-What profit is there?
There are not only people out there who are willing to help the devil get rid of you and your dream and they might even make a profit of it!
I have seen people stab another person in the back just to get their job, or their spouse and the list goes on!
What people will do if they think it will benefit them!
Trust me these brothers didn’t get away with it and nether will those kind of people!
I would rather wait and get something from God that will last, than to lie or steal, or cheat.
For something that won’t last and then you have to pay the consequences for how you got those things!
Verse 29-30-Reuben is more concerned about what is going to happen to him than what has happened to his brother.
We forget how sin not only effects us but also all those around us!!
Verse 31-33-It is ironic that Jacob had used a goat to deceive his father, and now his son’s use a goat to deceive their father!
What goes around, comes around! You reap what you sow!!
Verse 34-36-Everyday he mourns the death of Joseph.
Genesis 42:36-38; 44:27-29
The boys was confronted with what they had done everyday since it had happened, their father’s grief was a consent reminder!
What about your sins? How many people does your sins affect?
Have give up on your dreams? Have you give on what God has placed in your heart that He wants to do through you?
Maybe you are in the pit and you wonder what God is doing?
I pray that you will find all the benefits that come with a pit experience because the pit experience may not be the most pleasant experience but it can be the most beneficial.