This Is The Bible
Contributed by Andy Johnson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This is a sermon for Christians to get back to the basics. It has Vince Lombardi’s speech as it’s introduction - "Gentlemen, this is a football."
This Is The Bible - Andy Johnson
Intro: Vince Lombardi – Gentlemen, this is a football. He certainly did not have to tell these men what this object was. He was not trying to demean or belittle them. He was simply making the point that they were going to go back to the basics. Just as Vince Lombardi went back to the basics with his football players, so must Christians go back to the basics with the Bible. This is the Bible – The basics of the Christian life.
I. The Bible is for everyone – Vs. 20 – The Bible, unlike football, where as hard it is for me to understand why some people do not like the game, the Bible is for everyone.
A. “For since the creation of the world” – Gen. 1:1 God has revealed Himself
B. “His invisible attributes are clearly seen” – In Mt. Palomar, California, there is a telescope that is 200 inches in diameter and with this telescope astronomers can observe objects 4 Billion light years away. That is a distance of a mere 25 septillion miles. Take the earth for instance, it spins at 1,000 miles per hour with absolute precision and is unsupported in space. God’s invisible attributes are clearly seen.
C. “Being understood by the things that are made” – In ancient days, long before the telescope was invented, men could look at the stars and discover the fixed order of their orbits.
D. “Even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse” – This refers to God’s never-failing omnipotence, which is seen in creation.
Men are judged and sent to hell not because they do not live up to the light evidenced in the universe but because ultimately that rejection leads them to reject Jesus as Lord.
II. The Bible is not without Penalties – Vs. 18-19 – Football has penalties for breaking the rules (Name some). For breaking God’s rule one will feel His wrath
A. For those who are ungodly and unrighteous – Vs. 18a – God’s wrath has always been revealed to fallen man. First to Adam & Eve, then to all of mankind except for 8 people (Noah & family), the drowning of Pharaoh’s army in the Red Sea, and at the cross where Jesus became our sin. Jesus was not ungodly or unrighteous, He became these so we could have eternal life in heaven.
B. For those who suppress the Bible – Vs. 18b-19 – Because of our sinful nature,we are naturally inclined to follow sin and resist God. Those who suppress the Bible hold on to their sins. In Jesus’ ministry people still rejected the incarnate God (John 3:19-20). God has manifested Himself so sinful man can know the truth. Because God has graciously chosen to make Himself known and approachable, “He is not far from each of us.”
III. The Bible’s ultimate reward – Vs. 16-17 – In football the ultimate reward is winning the Super Bowl. To a Christian the ultimate reward is eternity in heaven.
A. For salvation – Vs. 16 – (Read 16) – It brings people to salvation through Jesus Christ. Some evangelicals today reject terms like “salvation” and “saved” because ethey say they are outdated, I’ve got news for them “salvation” is God’s term and there is no better meaning to describe what He offers sinful man for the sacrifice of His Son. It is only through Jesus Christ that mankind can be saved.
B. For Righteousness – Vs. 17 – God imparts His own righteousness to those who believe. It is not only revealed but reckoned to those who believe in Christ. Salvation by God’s grace working through man’s faith was always God’s plan – “For the just shall live by faith” (Habakkuk 2:4).
Conclusion: The B.I.B.L.E.