
Summary: There was no room for Jesus to be born at the inn. This is a Christmas sermon dealing with the birth of Christ. This sermon is dealing with making sure we have room for Jesus in our lives. There was no room for Him at the inn. But is there room for him in

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So about the time they arrived to the great city of Bethlem all the inn’s was full. And there was no room for the birth of Jesus in the inn.

But the time came the Bible says that she should deliver. And they had to find some type of shelter. And since there was no room at the inn Jesus had to be born in a manger.

Verse 6. while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered -- Mary had up to this time been living at the wrong place for Messiah’s birth. A little longer stay at Nazareth, and the prophecy would have failed. But lo! The prophecy had to be fulfilled. She is brought from Nazareth to Bethlehem, and at that nick of time her time arrives, and her Babe is born.

And I am here to tell some body today that it may seem that you are in the wrong job. It may seem that you are not in the place where God wants you to be spiritually.

You might feel that you are not in the right home that God has for you. Not in the right position in your life. But if you hold on a little bit longer in the nick of time God will make sure that you are in the place where he needs you to be. When it is time for you to give birth to your miracle. God will make sure that you are in the right place at the right time. God’s got a miracle in some of you that even though there is no room for your intelligence on your job. When you know more than your boss know. When you training people that get paid more than you do. God said it going to come a time that the miracles that is inside of you shall be birth. And when God has something inside of you it’s got to be birth out. I don’t care if you are in the inn or if you are in a stall. I don’t care if you are on wall street or in the streets. When God but something down inside of you that is a miracle it’s got to come out.

(Ps 118:23). "This is the LORD’S doing; it is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad." If you got breath in your body you should be glad. If you got cloths on your back you should be glad, if you got Jesus down in your heart you should rejoice and be glad. You might don’t get everything you want for this Christmas but as long as you got King Jesus you don’t need nothing else. The song writer said if he never do anything else for me he’s done enough. He woke me up this morning started me on my way He’s done enough, He cloth me in my right mind he has done enough. He brought me from a mighty long way he has done enough. He gave us Jesus of Nazareth He has done enough.

But the Bible says he was born in a manger because there was no room for them in the inn. Wrapped up in swaddling clothing. Swaddling cloths was strips of cloth that was wrapped around a baby so that they limbs will grow straight. I am here to tell somebody today that God got me so wrapped up and tied up in his love I can’t help but to go straight. Every time I think about the love of God and how he came down 42 generation to redeem us. I have to go straight. We was bought with a price. We was bought with something you cannot find in the malls. We was bought with something you can’t order on the internet. We was bought with something that money can’t buy. We was bought by the blood of Jesus. Thank God for Jesus Christ today. Thank God That he was born of a virgin and born in Bethlem.

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