
Summary: This scripture has been referred to as the heart of the Bible.

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When you go through the old testament, the types, the shadows, the sacrifices, everything pointed to the cross. Everything after, everything we do today refers back to the cross. It is the central point of God's word. The heart of our faith. Every promise in the Bible hinges on the cross. The day we have just read about was both the darkest and the greatest day in the history of mankind. A dark day in man's history because of the shame and horror of Calvary. A great day because of what was accomplished on the cross.

Four words are found in verse 33, “There they crucified him.” I would like to take these four words and use them as the title of the message. I would also like to use them as the outline for the message. Let's look at these four words.

I. There

1. The place

2. In verse 33, Calvary: a Latin word. Golgotha: Hebrew. The place of the skull. It resembled a skull, but it was a place of execution.

a. Malefactors were beheaded or otherwise put to death.

b. They were left there, unburied, bones all over.

3. When we think of Calvary, we think of sin.

a. Isaiah 53:4-6

b. 2 Corinthians 5:21

c. 1 Peter 2:22-24

4. There, He became the greatest of sinners.

a. Ecclesiastes 7:20

b. Romans 3:23

c. Romans 6:23

d. He bore it all at Calvary.

5. There's no salvation outside of the place called Calvary, Outside of Jesus Christ.

a. Acts 4:11-12

b. John 14:1-6

c. John 3:14-16

6. the place of the skull meant death: There.

II. They

1. Who are they?

2. Throughout history, the Jews have borne the burden of having crucified Jesus Christ, but it was not just the Jews.

3. The Jews took him and arrested him, they took him to the high priest’s house. They tried him and demanded his death!

4. The Romans were in charge. Pilot could have released him. He found no fault in him.

5. The Romans spit in his face, beat him, humiliated him. They put the crown of thorns on him and drove the spikes in his hands and feet. They wrote the inscription, sealed the tomb, and guarded it.

6. Someone says, “It was the Romans and the Jews.”

7. No one killed Jesus!

a. Isaiah 53:4

b. John 10:17-18

8. we are all guilty. In reality our sins placed him there.

9. I was there, you were there. I nailed him to the tree. I mocked him. I drove the spear in the side. I am part of “They.”

III. Crucified

1. The act

2. Someone has said, “Crucifixion involved the extreme limits of human suffering and endearment.”

3. It began in the garden of Gethsemane. Agony with sorrow and great drops of blood.

a. Doctors say this is quite possible.

b. Voltaire - universal history - Charles 9th of France died in his 35th year. His disorder was of a very remarkable kind. The blood oozed out of all his pores. This malady, of which there have been other instances, was owing to either excessive fear, or violent agitation, or to a feverish and melancholy temperament.”

4. After the trial, he was taken to pilot. He was turned over to the soldiers and stripped and scourged.

5. The instrument of that beating was a Roman cat of nine tails, 5 to 9 strips of leather imbedded with bits of metal or lead. 39 lashes: 5 * 39 equals 195. 9 * 39 = 351.

6. He was wounded for our transgressions.

7. He was mocked. Given a purple robe, a crown of thorns and a scepter.

8. They led him down the way of sorrows. He carried his own cross, 175 to 210 pounds. He fell under its weight. And then Simon of Cyrene carried it for him.

9. He was nailed to the cross. There were 3 crosses that day. It took 4 soldiers to lift it. They dropped it with such force the body was disjointed.

10. Their feet sat on a small stool. They usually died of suffocation. Some lived as long as five days.

11. Can you see Him in His agony. He pushes Himself on and speaks, “Father, forgive them.”

12. Luke 23:39-43, conversation of the thieves.

13. He could have called 10,000 angels. He speaks again, “I thirst.”

14. Finally, darkness, “It is finished.” “Father, into thy hands I commend my Spirit.” He gave up the Ghost.

15. The earth trembles. The wind stops blowing. The trees are still. Birds hush their singing. Love stops, God is dead!

IV. There They Crucified Him…. Him!

1. Him. God incarnate.

a. Matthew 1:23

b. John 1:1-3, 14

c. Colossians 1:15-19

2. But now go to the tomb three days later, Luke 24:1-6

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