
Summary: This is a sermon that was used for a Healing and wholeness service with anointing with oil and prayer for all who came forward to receive.

James 5:13-18

There is Power in the faith, do you have Faith in the Power?

There is a Power that is available to us that can:

1. Cure our physical ailments

2. Reduce our pain and possibly eliminate it all together.

3. calm us when we are anxious

4. eliminate stress from our lives

5. help us financially

And the list goes on & on.

There is power in our faith and we activate that power through our righteous & fervent prayers.

When we realize that we can’t do anything to remedy our situation ourselves, and we realize we need something other than the natural! When we realize we need the super-natural! When we realize we need something only Christ can give and we cry out to Him. “Jesus! Son of David have mercy on me!!” That’s when we receive that power that is in our faith. A prayer of faith is an implement to implement. It’s a tool to receive what God has for us.

So what is faith?

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. – Hebrews 11:1

Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God – romans 10:17

Faith is what causes the things you hope for to become reality. And we obtain that faith through the seeking out and studying of God’s word and hearing what it has to say to us.

• When we are sick faith gives us the hope that the healing is coming

• When we are hurting faith gives us the hope that our pain will subside

• When we are struggling faith gives us the hope that we will overcome

There is power in our faith, we just need to activate that power through our prayers and believe in the power.

Remember the story in Matthew about the woman with the issue of blood? For twelve long years she had been seeking relief, for twelve years she had been trying different treatments, for twelve years, 7 days a week, 365 days a year she had been suffering and hurting and trying to find relief and healing on her on. Then one day Jesus came to town and she thought; If only I could get close enough to touch his garment. If only I could get close enough to just brush my fingers on the hem of his robe I would be whole, I would be made well.

Friends that is faith in action, that is faith amplified, when we realize that we can’t do it on our own that’s when the healing begins.

When Christians pray we are praying under the authority of Jesus. We are ambassadors of Christ we represent Him. It’s not us but He who wields the power we are just instruments to engage and release the power.

Laying hands on someone and anointing them will oil isn’t a magic trick. Certainly oil may have healing properties and touch also has a calming effect on others, which helps with healing. But it is not a magic potion, it is only effective because of the great physician. We don’t really even know what to ask for where healing is concerned. We may think that the most prominent problem is the physical ailment when in fact it is the spiritual well-being that needs the healing. God knows the true need, not us, so we must trust in Him and only Him to supply the need.

What I want us to realize is that anointing with oil and laying on Hands is a way of establishing a point of contact that releases our faith.

It’s the switch that we flip that activates the faith we have. It’s the point in time when we say God I can’t do this without you, It’s when we cry out as Blind Bartemaus did and say Jesus!!! Son of David have mercy on me!!!!

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