There Is No Need To Worry
Contributed by Samuel Arimoro on Feb 20, 2025 (message contributor)
Summary: Worrying does not solve problems; rather, it creates more stress and fear in our lives.
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By Rev. Samuel Arimoro
Main Text: Matthew 6:27
"Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"
Supporting Texts:
Philippians 4:6-7, 1 Peter 5:7, Psalm 55:22, Isaiah 41:10, Matthew 11:28-30
Worry is a common human experience. We worry about our health, finances, future, family, and many other aspects of life. However, in Matthew 6:27, Jesus poses a thought-provoking question: “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?” This question highlights the futility of anxiety. Worry does not change our circumstances, nor does it add any value to our lives. Instead, it robs us of peace, weakens our faith, and distracts us from trusting in God’s provision. In this sermon, we will explore why worry is unproductive, how God wants us to respond to life’s challenges, and how to overcome anxiety through faith.
Worrying does not solve problems; rather, it creates more stress and fear in our lives.
a) Worrying Cannot Change Anything
Jesus makes it clear that worrying cannot extend our lives or alter the course of events (Matthew 6:27). Instead of bringing solutions, it drains our strength.
b) Worrying is a Sign of Distrust in God
When we worry excessively, we act as if God is unable to take care of us (Matthew 6:30). Trusting in God means believing that He is in control.
c) Worrying Steals Our Joy and Peace
Anxiety fills the heart with fear and doubt, preventing us from experiencing God’s peace (Philippians 4:6-7).
d) Worrying Affects Our Health
Medical research shows that anxiety and stress can lead to physical illnesses like high blood pressure, ulcers, and heart diseases. God wants us to live in peace, not in distress (Proverbs 12:25).
e) Biblical Example: Martha and Mary
Martha worried about many things while Mary chose to sit at Jesus’ feet and listen to Him. Jesus told Martha that only one thing was necessary—trusting in Him (Luke 10:38-42).
God does not want us to carry burdens of worry and anxiety. Instead, He calls us to trust Him.
a) Cast All Your Cares on God
1 Peter 5:7 says, “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.” This means surrendering all our worries to God in prayer.
b) Do Not Be Anxious About Anything
Philippians 4:6 instructs us not to be anxious but to bring everything to God in prayer and thanksgiving.
c) Trust in God’s Promises
Isaiah 41:10 reminds us that God is with us, strengthening and upholding us through every challenge.
d) Learn from the Birds and Flowers
In Matthew 6:26-30, Jesus points out that God cares for the birds and the flowers—how much more will He care for us?
e) Biblical Example: Elijah at the Brook
During a famine, Elijah had no food, but God miraculously provided for him through ravens and a widow (1 Kings 17:2-16). If God could take care of Elijah, He will certainly take care of you.
When we put God first, worry loses its power over us.
a) Seek First the Kingdom of God
Jesus teaches in Matthew 6:33 that when we seek God first, everything else will fall into place.
b) Keep Your Mind on God’s Promises
Isaiah 26:3 says that God will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are stayed on Him.
c) Learn to Live One Day at a Time
Jesus reminds us in Matthew 6:34 not to worry about tomorrow, because each day has enough trouble of its own.
d) Replace Worry with Worship
Instead of worrying, learn to praise and worship God. Worship shifts our focus from our problems to God’s greatness (Psalm 34:1-4).
e) Biblical Example: Paul and Silas in Prison
Despite being in chains, Paul and Silas worshipped God instead of worrying. As a result, God intervened and set them free (Acts 16:25-26).
Victory over worry is possible when we apply biblical principles.
a) Develop a Strong Prayer Life
Prayer is the key to overcoming anxiety. Philippians 4:6-7 promises that when we pray with thanksgiving, God’s peace will guard our hearts.
b) Meditate on God’s Word
Joshua 1:8 tells us that meditating on God’s Word brings success and peace.
c) Trust in God's Timing
Ecclesiastes 3:1 reminds us that everything happens in its appointed season. Worrying will not change God’s perfect timing.
d) Surround Yourself with Faith-Building People
Proverbs 13:20 says that those who walk with the wise will be wise. Avoid people who spread fear and negativity.
e) Biblical Example: Hannah’s Prayer
Hannah was initially anxious about her barrenness, but after she prayed and trusted God, she left in peace and later received her miracle (1 Samuel 1:10-18).