There Is Always Room For Repentance
Contributed by Timm Meyer on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: End Time 2 / Last Judgment (C) - There is always room for repentance! Our sinfulness deserves God’s wrath. God’s grace provides forgiveness.
November 8, 2009 --
Jeremiah 26:1-26
INTRO: Scripture is always very clear about sin. Mankind sins daily and sin much. This is the simple fact of the world after the Fall. Adam and Eve sinned in a perfect world. The Lord did not destroy Adam and Eve for ruining his perfect creation. Instead the loving Lord God Almighty promised them a Savior. God is patient. The world grows wicked. Only eight are saved from the world-destroying Flood. God is patient. "The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance" (2 PETER 3:9). The Lord desires that all would repent. Man’s life on earth is God’s time of grace for each to repent. God’s time of grace does come to an end. Until God’s grace ends God is patient.
I. Sinfulness deserves God’s wrath.
II. God’s grace provides forgiveness.
A. Verse 1. Jehoiakim is the wicked son of good king Josiah. Josiah restored God’s law and Passover.
1. King Jehoiakim did not worship God. He led God’s people into worshiping false gods.
2. Jeremiah was sent by God to warn Judah. Their time of grace was quickly coming to an end.
B. Verse 2a. God sends Jeremiah to the temple courtyard. There are still some people worshiping God.
1. Judah needed to change. It was their choice to enjoy God’s blessing or reject it.
2. Verses 4,5. Judah needed to listen to God’s word brought by Jeremiah. They often rejected.
C. Verse 6. The Lord clearly spells out the result of disobedience and rejection by Judah.
1. Shiloh was once the place of worship for the Northern Kingdom. Now it was gone, deserted.
2. When Jerusalem fell nations noticed. Jerusalem was the witness concerning Israel’s rejection.
D. What do you think? Has the world gotten better or has the world gotten worse since that first sin of Adam and Eve? Once perfection was destroyed the world began a downward spiral of wickedness, rebellion, and sin. Approaching the Last Day when the Lord Jesus returns; the love of most will grow cold. Wickedness, rebellion, and sin started with Adam and Eve. Wickedness, rebellion, and sin have been passed on to every generation since. None are exempt. "Son of man, you are living among a rebellious people. They have eyes to see but do not see and ears to hear but do not hear, for they are a rebellious people" (EZEKIEL 12:2). At times, we may be too busy to see and hear the many miracles that God amazes us with every day. There are magnificent sunrises and sunsets to see. There are the sounds of nature to hear. All of this is from the hand of our God. We may fail to notice these things in our every day lives. The unbeliever pays even less attention to see or hear what God reveals to all mankind.
E. The wicked world carries on without one concern for any consequences. Everyone does what he or she wants to do unconcerned about anything until they are “caught”. This is our modern day attitude. The Lord God Almighty reminds everyone that there are consequences for every evil act. Much like the time of Jeremiah, mankind is not inclined to pay attention or worse, to repent. "But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God’s wrath, when his righteous judgment will be revealed. God ‘will give to each person according to what he has done.’" (ROMANS 2:5,6). Please read Romans, chapter 2.
F. Do not think that we can point our accusing fingers at the world. We dare not point at anyone else as if we were better than he or she. We are daily influenced by the wickedness of the world that surrounds us. We are caught up in the modern day philosophy that we never have enough. We always need more. "Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, with a continual lust for more" (EPHESIANS 4:19). We are controlled by whatever has mastered us. No matter the amount of money we tend to want more. No matter the yield of the harvest we think that it ought to be better. No matter the weather it could always be better. Such are the souls of many that cannot be satisfied. There is always room to repent. Lord, forgive our ungratefulness.
Our sinfulness deserves, actually demands God’s anger.