There Is A Remnant
Contributed by Tyler Barrett on Sep 27, 2021 (message contributor)
Summary: God still has a remnant of people!
1 Kings 19:18
Lead Pastor Tyler Barrett; 1/24/2021
I have had deep struggle with this message.
I know that the Lord is wanting me to push some stuff out and the enemy is not pleased.
We are living in the days of Noah. We are living in the days of Lot. We are living in the days of Jonah. We are living in the days of Nebuchadnezzar.
We are living in a nation that has its fist in the face of God, out of rebellion.
Isaiah said it best when he was found in the glory of the Lord. He said, “I am surround by a people of unclean lips”.
We look all around us and see the depravity. We look all around us and we see the fatherless, the broken, weak, and frail.
We look all around us and are in disbelief as to what we are seeing and hearing.
The days in which we are in are troubled days. No doubt about that.
Valley of Dry Bones. A desert place. A place of no visible hope.
Even amid all these events, God has a remnant of people.
Remnant means, “a small remaining quantity of something”.
In our text this morning, Elijah is on the run. He is on the run and has come to a place of hiding.
Let me give you some history.
Baal worship is extremely rampant in the land. Jezebel and Ahab are in command of the land. Jezebel has brough in Baal worship.
Jezebel comes from a lineage of false worship. If you trace her all the way back, she comes from the lineage of Ham. Ham was Noah’s son. Ham was the one who had lustful desires for his father, after getting off the Ark.
The spirit in Ham, produced a lineage of false worship. Nimord, one of Ham’s descendants oversaw the Tower of Babel.
Jezebel’s father was named Ethbaal. Which means, “toward the idol”. King of Sidionites. He was also a priest of Ashtoreth. Ashtoreth was the moon goddess- Baal religion- cult.
Not only is Jezebel a daughter of Baal worship, but she is also a descendent of it.
Jezebel married King Ahab. She has brought in Baal worship into Israel and has ran out the worship of Jehovah God.
As a result, God’s hand of blessing was removed off the land. In other words, the people God what they asked for.
Now let me stop right here and tell you- the spirit of Jezebel is still in operation today.
Here are 6 factors about the spirit of Jezebel:
1. Her spirit causes burn out. Jezebel wants to weaken the people of God. Jezebel wants to weaken you to get you complacent, unenthused with worship, and lazy for battle.
Jezebel understands what the people of God can do when they are full of strength. So, Jezebel spirit will over work you, get you tired, increase your workload, and get you to the point of total burn out.
2. Her spirit will control you. Like Delilah- Jezebel will try to cut your power off when you least expect it. Jezebel wants to get you caught up into the cult, she wants to get you enslaved into sin, she wants to depower you.
WHY? Because it is all about control with her. She wants to control you, so the best way to accomplish that is to depower you.
3. Her spirit will try to seduce you. Jezebel was known as a beautiful woman. Revelation 2 says she leads servants into immorality. This spirit will try to enlarge itself to get your attention. This spirit must always be out front and center.
This spirit will try to use the pleasures of flesh to get you caught up. This spirit knows no marriage boundaries. This spirit dresses provocatively to get the attention of eyes.
4. Her spirit self-proclaimed her position. Jesus said in Revelation 2 that Jezebel calls herself a prophetess. The Jezebel spirit will call itself prophet, pastor, apostle, bishop even though they have not been called of God and even though their gift has not been ratified by a person of spiritual authority.
The Jezebel spirit will call itself a prophet just to get donations. The spirit will spew forth words that did not come from the Lord, but will say, “thus saith the Lord”. All the while the church is caught up in a spirit, without even checking the credentials. The church of Thyatira was accepting her teachings.
Matthew 24:11, “many false prophets will appear and mislead many.” I am still looking for these hundreds of self-proclaimed prophets to step back up to the mic and apologize for their false words concerning who would be inaugurated on Jan 20th.
5. Her spirit will cause you to eat meat which has been sacrificed to idols. In her day as Queen, they would sacrifice animals to the worship of Baal. Only a small portion of the animal would have been used for the sacrifice. The other portion was given out for the people to eat. They were eating meat that was used for the worship of Baal.