
Summary: No campfire is complete without them. They send chills up our spines and keep us awake at night. Ghost Stories. But we don’t have to afraid of THE Ghost!

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Ghost Stories

Pt. 3 - Three's Company

I. Introduction

Open with Campfire Scene - (Lights Dim)

Seeing someone baptized and water was not a new concept. In fact, all over Israel there are rock basins constructed called Mikvehs or ritual baths where Jews would prepare themselves to go to the temple. What was different in this account is what took place at the end of the baptism. BY THE WAY BAPTISM SIMPLY MEANS TO BE FULLY IMMERSED. The writer could only use the descriptive words "like a dove" to try to communicate what took place when the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus. However, what isn't mentioned is the pattern of three that is being carried out and continued here. Let me see if I can explain.

If you haven't figured it out yet God operates in order. Creation begins this revelation. God did everything in order. For instance He creates a sky before He creates a bird to fly in the sky. He creates water before He creates fish to swim in the water. But He not only operates in order He operates in patterns. I don't have time to dig into this very much but the entire worship system described in Leviticus is a pattern of worship and all the prescribed ways to carry it out. I will show you one example in a second but let me first stop and make a statement.

Patterns are important. Patterns must be completed in order for the desired end result to be accomplished. For instance ask anyone here who has either played or coached football and they will tell you that a wide receiver must run the right pattern in order for the pass play to work. Otherwise the QB will throw to a location but the receiver will not be where he was supposed to be. Or take sewing as an example. From my home economics experience, I can tell you that if you don't follow the pattern you may be able to wear the shirt you put together but the look, function, and comfort of the shirt will probably be compromised because you failed to complete the pattern. The same is true in construction. I don't want to be in a building where the pattern called for concrete and steel foundation and the builder decided a clay and aluminum option would be suitable. Patterns matter.

So, there is a pattern of three carried throughout Scripture. One of the examples of this is found in the early prescribed pattern of worship. Moses is instructed to build a mobile place of worship. He constructs it according to pattern and it has an outer court and an inner court. Then there is the Holy Place and Holy of Holies where the presence of God literally dwelt. The goal was to get to Holy of Holies into the presence of God. That is why we still worship today. The goal is the same . . . to get into His presence. So, watch for the three . . . As you enter you first go to an altar of sacrifice. Then you go to a laver of water. Then prior to entering Holy of Holies you had to be anointed with a flask of oil. If you stop at the altar and the laver but skip the oil and enter the holy place do you remember what the result of the uncompleted pattern was . . . death? Just remember that for a second and I will come back to it.

When Jesus arrives on the scene He completes the law so that we don't have to go through a human priest and so that through Him we have access to the Holy of Holies. However, I want you to notice that the pattern that existed in the Old Testament still exists in the New Testament and in order for us to experience everything God has for us we need to complete the pattern.

So, let's think about the Old Testament pattern for just a second. What you have is altar, laver, oil. Another way of saying this is blood, water, spirit (oil is symbolic of spirit). Three steps to access all of His presence. All three steps were important.

So, let's fast forward and see the same pattern of three in the NT.

Text: 1 John 5:7-8 (NKJV)

For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness on earth: the Spirit, the water, and the blood; and these three agree as one.

So, again we are looking for the pattern. It is repeated here. Simply put the pattern that is laid out for us is salvation, water baptism, and spirit baptism. Three's company! Three baptisms.

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