The Zeal Of The Lord
Contributed by J. Yeargin on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: There is much we can learn from the story of Christmas. I am convinced that each of the scriptures that pertain to the Christmas story have a prophetic implication and will feed our soul.
Text: Isaiah 9:6 & 7
Christmas time is about many things. Your love for God and His Son must certainly be a part of your holiday season. If there is a time of the year that your relatives and friends should see Jesus in you and all over you, it is during the Christmas holiday.
The joy, the peace, and the Glad Tidings of Christmas should be radiating from our countenance.
You have heard the expression,
“Just like a kid at Christmas time…”
Regardless of what is going on in this world, or in your personal life, the birth of Jesus is a beautiful time of the year.
There is much we can learn from the story of Christmas. I am convinced that each of the scriptures that pertain to the Christmas story have a prophetic implication and will feed our soul.
We found last week (with the story of Mary) that the Biblical account of Christmas must mean much more to us than tinsel, mistletoe, garland or eggnog.
For many, the holiday season is a time for just singing Christmas carols, going shopping and to parties, and watching the kids get all excited about opening their gifts. My friend – God desires for you to draw ever closer to His glory especially during the Christmas Season.
Did you know that the Spirit of Christmas (you enjoy every year) is actually the sweet Spirit of Christ?
I love the Christmas Season and most everything that comes with it. I love to trim a Christmas tree or decorate the outside of the house. But we must be sure to keep a godly perspective. Let everything be done as unto the Lord.
Our text tells us that the Christmas story began long before the birth of Jesus.
The prophet Isaiah received the promising word from God and was recorded in these verses.
There were other prophets (in the Bible) who were told of the Birth of Jesus.
Keep your place here in Isaiah for a moment while we look at these other prophecies about the Christ Child.
Jeremiah 23:5-6
5 "Behold, the days are coming," says the LORD, "That I will raise to David a Branch of righteousness; a King shall reign and prosper, and execute judgment and righteousness in the earth.
6 In His days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell safely; now this is His name by which He will be called: THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.
This is incredible. The prophet Jeremiah spoke this Word from God 800 years before the birth of Jesus. The nation of Judah is promised the Good News that they will be saved and will dwell safely.
Later - Another Prophet of God comes along and gives more Good News.
The Prophet Daniel prophesies that –
1. What God was going to do would be permanent. That is, eternal!
2. Identifies three kingdoms that will rule the entire earth. The worldwide empires of Babylon, Greece, and Rome would become very strong and rule the entire world in their day.
Anyone of these three empires were much stronger than the United States would ever dream of being. But each of them (with all of their power) would rise and eventually fall.
You may ask – “Well what does all of this have to do with Christmas?”
Listen closely. The final kingdom (that would be permanent) would be sent to the Earth from God, (the Creator of the Earth. This would become known as the “Kingdom of the God”. It would be the final kingdom that would never end!
We find this promise in Daniel 2:44
“…the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; it shall break in pieces and consume all… (the other) kingdoms, and it shall stand forever.”
The Bible identifies for us the birth of the King who became the King of all Kings.
Consider this: Since the birth of Jesus,
· There have been several empires who have tried desperately to dominate and rule the world. France, Spain, England, Germany, Japan, and now the Nation of Islam.
· Every other empire that has tried to conquer the world has failed miserably.
What does that tell me?
His kingdom, God’s kingdom, is still the kingdom that rules heaven and earth.
Jesus is still the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Jesus rules heaven and earth!
His kingdom is the eternal kingdom.
This tiny little baby, born in lowly manger at Christmas time, conquered the entire world when He came to earth.
Another Prophet who identified the birth of Jesus was Micah (in chapter 5 and 7). He even names the town Jesus was to be born in. If Joseph and Mary would have had a cell phone and a zip code god would have spoken it to Micah.