The Wrath Of God
Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The Wrath of God – Romans chapter 2 verse 5 – sermon by Gordon Curley PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email: gcurley@gcurley.info
• (1). Initial remarks regarding God's wrath.
• (2). Explanation of God's wrath.
• (3). Three truths about God's wrath.
• #1: God's wrath is just.
• #2: God's wrath is to be feared.
• #3: God's wrath is satisfied in Christ.
• A man made an appointment to see his doctor.
• "Doctor," he complained, "everywhere I touch seems to hurt lately.
• Am I getting old or just senile?
• If I push on my knees here, I hurt.
• I push on my stomach and I hurt!
• I press on my head right here by my temple and that hurts too!
• What's going on?"
• The doctor called for a full body X-ray.
• An hour passed and after evaluating the X-rays carefully,
• The doctor returned.
• Stroking his chin, the doctor slowly began,
• "I think I've found the reason why everything you touch hurts."
• The anxious man replied.
• "Well, tell me!"
• The doctor pointed to the X-ray.
• "Your body is fine, but your finger is broken."
• TRANSITION: We live in a world that is broken!
• All you have to do is pick up a newspaper or turn on the news;
• And the headlines will show us a world that is broken and fragmented!
• And you don’t need me to tell you the reason for a broken and fragmented world;
• The problem is ‘mankind’, you and me!
• The Bible teaches we are ‘sinners’ by nature;
• And sinners by practice.
• Born with a fallen human nature and tainted by original sin
Quote: Romans chapter 5 verse 12:
“Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned”
• While grandad was asleep in his favourite chair;
• The grandchildren decided to play a trick on him.
• They went to the fridge and found the smelliest type of cheese;
• They then went back in to the room where grandad was sleeping,
• And very carefully rubbed a slither of the cheese on grandads moustache.
• Then they ran away and hid behind the curtains.
• It only took a few minutes before grandad reacted!
• He woke up and said out loud, “Phew, this room stinks”
• So he got up and walked into the kitchen;
• Breathed in and said out loud, “Phew, this kitchen stinks”
• So he then walked out into the garden;
• Breathed in and said out loud, “Phew, this garden stinks”;
• “In fact this whole world stinks!”
• TRANSITION: You and I know of course that he was the problem!
• And the Bible makes it very clear that this world is in a mess,
• Because we are the problem!
(1). Initial Remarks Regarding God's Wrath.
• Earlier on in this letter to the Romans the apostle Paul said (chapter 1 verse 18):
• “He is not ashamed of the gospel”;
• That is the good news, the message of Jesus Christ.
• There is nothing to be ashamed of;
• It is a sacrificial message, it is a courageous message, it meets our deepest needs;
• The apostle goes on to say; “it is the power of God”;
• It is a life changing message;
• That brings “salvation” to mankind.
• Years ago in these type of Churches;
• It was certainly true where I was saved in the Midlands.
• There would be an older brother in each assembly;
• Who would shake your hand and ask you, “Are you saved?”
• Today if it happened, he would probably say, “Are you a Christian?”
• But those words, “Are you saved?” have more depth to them;
• I think they are more insightful and more demanding;
• They cause us to reflect on the question; “Saved from what?”
• And in the selected verse tonight (Romans chapter 2 verse 5) ;
• Which I have been asked to speak on,
• They tell exactly what we have been saved from!
“But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God’s wrath, when his righteous judgment will be revealed.”
• The apostle Paul wanted these Christians in Rome;
• To understand what the Gospel message was all about.
• But he also wanted them to know why such a message was even necessary.
• The gospel of Jesus Christ is never an optional extra;
• It is an essential!
• If our greatest need had been information,
• God would have sent us an educator.
• If your greatest need had been technology,
• God would have sent us a scientist.