
Summary: This church instead of impacting the world the world had an impact on it. Sadly to say this appears to be much like today.

The World in the Church

Revelation 2:12-17

We are about to study the third Church in which the Lord writes. The Church of Ephesus was challenged to fall in love with Him again and the Church of Smyrna was praise for their faithful in the mist of persecution. They were poor by the world’s standards but rich by God’s.

In each letter the Lord introduces Himself as the one who holdeth the seven stars in His right hand, and He who is the first and last which was dead and is alive.

Rev. 2:12 He which hath the sharp sword with two edges

See: Vs.13 This verse gives account that God always has a remnant of people that will remain faithful despite the spiritual climate of society.

Point: This is the third time so far the devil or satan is mentioned

Satan’s Throne: There in this city was the great temple of Asclepius a pagan god of healing which was represented in the form of a serpent.

The city Pergamum is 20 miles inland of Smyrna and a very wealthy city, but also very wicked.

Unlike the Church of Smyrna who was located in a wealthy city this Church had become affected by its environment.

Three Things Given In The letter To This Church:

1. Their Practices

“Thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam”

Key: In order to understand this passage as any other biblical passage who search the scriptures to defined indictment God makes against this Church.

See: Numbers 22:1-6, 12 Balaam consulted

Mention: Numbers 22:21-28 The speaking donkey after Balaam went against God’s will

Then: Numbers 24:10-13

Mention: Numbers 25:1-5, 9 Twenty-four thousand killed in result of this sin against the Lord


• The sin committed was adjoining themselves to a sinful people 2 Cor. 6:15, 17

Point: This separation does not mean by contact, but by conformity

• The people of God cannot be cursed because they have been blessed by God, but God hath to judge us for our sins because He is a righteous God.

When we join ourselves unto the world we also forfeit the blessing of God!

2. Their Preacher

Vs.15 Thou hast those who hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans

These are the religious leaders that exercised power of the people and those who which also lived immorally.

See: 2 Peter 2:1-3, 14-16

See: 2 Peter 2:18-21

See: Jude 11

See: 2 Peter 2:22 They will eventually return to their true state

See: 1 Peter 5:1-3

Facts: No Separation, The Love of Money and Interested in Fame and Popularity

Point: Satan is an imitator of God and he even has his own ministers 2 Cor. 11:15

See: Rev. 2:16 repent or else…

3. The Promise

See: Vs.17 hidden manna and white stone in which is written a new name…

“I will give to eat of the hidden manna”

See: John 6:49-51 Jesus is that hidden manna in which the nourishment and strength of the believers comes from

“A New Name”

See: Isaiah 62:2, 65:15

And: Rev. 3:12

I personally believe the new name is closely related to the new nature (identity).

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