
Summary: How the various Persons of the Trinity work in loving, redeeming, and sealing us in Christ.

Ephesians 1:1-14 Outline

Intro: Ship built by little boy, lost and then found and bought by the boy. He truly owned it.

CIT: The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit plan all things.

CIS: They work together to redeem, save, and seal us as adopted children of the Father.

V1-2 “at Ephesus” is not original. So, “to the saints (God’s work) who are faithful (Christ’s work) IN CHRIST.” (1 group-not 2 distinct groups)

I. The Father’s Work of Love

A. V3-4 He HAS blessed us with every spiritual blessing IN CHRIST.

He chose us IN HIM before the world was created. Christ is the foundation, origin, and executor of salvation.

1. We are chosen to holiness (positive trait)

2. We are chosen to be without blame (negative trait)

3. We are chosen by the Father and sanctified by the HS to be obedient to JC. (1 Peter 1:2)

B. V5 in love? He predestined us to sonship by His (eudokia) pleasure/good intention/plan.

C. V6 To acceptance so we can praise the glory of His grace in the BELOVED. Without CHRIST there is no blessing, without CHRIST there is no salvation.

II. The Son’s Work of Redemption

A. V7 Because it is IN HIM we have redemption (are bought back) through His blood. Our sins are sent away (aphesin). We are redeemed according to the riches of His grace.

B. V8 Lavishly given us wisdom (correct application of knowledge) and insight (understanding).

C. V9 Given us knowledge (make known) of the mystery (divine secret) according to His good pleasure/good intention/plan.

D. V10 Administration/management/plan of time, IN CHRIST.

E. V11 We (Jewish nation-God’s chosen people) obtained an inheritance and were destined and appointed according to His plan.

F. V12 The first ones to be looking for Christ (prophets, OT prophecies)

G. Just as the Jewish nation was planned before Adam fell, so to was the Church planned-The Church existed in the mind of God before it existed in reality. What God plans in His mind, is reality. Your salvation was planned by God before you were born. It was planned IN CHRIST.

III. The Holy Spirit’s Work of sealing.

A. V13 IN HIM we hear the gospel. IN HIM we are sealed (made secure) with the Holy Spirit.

We are sealed by the Holy Spirit in God’s love through the redemption of the Son.

B. HS is given as the pledge of our inheritance. Partial payment made at time of purchase. (earnest-down payment-1st installment of a pledge with the rest to follow.)

The only part left to follow is immortality, redeeming us from death. We have been blessed, we have been redeemed, we have been sealed, and we have been given spiritual wisdom and insight.

Eternal life through HIM (the resurrection) or the rapture is all that we wait for.


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