
Summary: God promised you Revelation 2:17 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to him who rec

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Revelation 2:17

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to him who receives it.

The White Stone had a special meaning in Ancient Greece.

The stone’s inscription gives the believer “a new name,” indicating acceptance by God and his title to glory


When a person was pressed with charges and went to trial they where sometimes entitled to be bailed out of jail by a family member. That person would buy a white stone (pebble) from the court and would give it to the person on trial as a special token. The White stone had to be given to the accuser. As the stone was received the case was closed and there would be no more legal right to go back to court because of the same charges.

Matthew 20:28

Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.

Jesus bought you a white stone with his blood and the Bible says in Romans 8:1 that “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus”

Whenever the devil comes to remind you of your past just remind him of his future! You cannot be accused again since the bail was paid by God’s son!


White stones where cast to vote in political elections. Leadership was elected in a democratic process (Greeks invented democracy). In a public ceremony stones where placed in boxes choosing the people that where chosen to lead.

The Bible tells us that the crowd in Jerusalem was presented with an option of giving liberty to a prisoner. The choice was between Jesus and Barrabas (Luke 23:17-21). Jesus lost the popular vote but won God’s election.

In the Spiritual world you’ve received a white stone in your hand with your name on it. Who are you going to choose as the leader of your destiny? Yourself?...Satan?...or will you cast your white stone for Jesus? The choice is yours....


In the original Olympic games athletes where rewarded with a crown of leaves and a white stone with their name on it. Time would consume the glory of the victory as the crown would dry out but the stone remained as a reminder of the past exploits.

Romans 8:37 “... in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.”

Jesus gave us supernatural victory and as we read in Revelation 2:17 “To him that overcometh... I will give him a white stone...”

What things do you need to overcome?

1. Is it sin or lust?

2. Are you struggling with addiction?

3. Are you unable to live a Christian life?

Remember that the white stone is not for losers and that trough Jesus you are more than conqueror.


In ancient Greece honorable guests to the city would receive from the magistrate a white stone with their name on it. The guest could go to the market and had the right to acquire anything he wanted. The City would pay the expense so the special visitor had unlimited credit and the right to buy anything he wanted. In modern days the French have the expression “Carte Blanche” that goes back to that old tradition.

God gave you all things in Christ Jesus.

Romans 8:32 “He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?”

Ephesians 1:22 “And he put all things under his feet and gave him as head over all things to the church”

Jesus gave you ALL THINGS and if you recognize that ALL THINGS come from him you can ask whatever you want and he will “pay the bill”. You where invited to a Special Banquet and the table has everything you need.

What can you give to the one who purchased all things to you by his own blood? There is just one thing to need to give the Lord the white stone of your heart and allow him to have everything you have and everything you are.

2 Peter 1:3,4

3 According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue: 4 Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

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