
Summary: Everyone at one time or another has gone through some type of storm. Over the years I have found that no one is immune from the storms of life. Jesus said ye shall have tribulation.

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TEXT: Matthew 14:22-33.

No matter where you turn in the Word of God, you will find that He is instructing and teaching you about life. Jesus His son used parables and miracles to help as we walk down life’s road. Miracles can be Divided into two categories.

Healing miracles and Nature miracles.

This was a nature miracle. All miracles point to the future and also to the present. I don’t know about you buy as we walk from day to day on this old earth, we tend to find ourselves caught up in the storms of life.

Everyone at one time or another has gone through some type of storm. Over the years I have found that no one is immune from the storms of life. Jesus said ye shall have tribulation.

Some storms in our life come up so fast that you don’t even see them coming. As a child I remember going fishing with a man in our Church that was like a grandfather to me. His name was Jim. Every time we would travel down the river about forty five minutes or so. Their were days that the storms would roll in. Sometimes you could hear and see storms coming and at other times their was no warning. And like a ship we try to find our path through the storm to safety.

But I also believe that sometimes we as individual are our own worst enemies because we can cause our own storms.

I also believe that we can make the storm turn out to be worse than it is in reality.

But I have found out that you want find God building bridges to get us over or through the storms. Jesus will send you through a storm, just like he sent these men through hear in this passage.

1. The three in the fiery furnace were not delivered out of it but in it.

2. Daniel was not delivered from the lion den but was delivered in the lions den.

You see God is not in the business of building bridges for us.

Tonight I want to propose to you that in the midst of the storms of life we have precious promises from the Father.

I. Their Is The Promise Of Providence.

A. Will Jesus knowingly send you through a storm.

Vs 22 It tells us that he constrained the disciples to get into the ship and go to the other side.

Do you get the picture here, Jesus actually sends the disciples through a storm.

B. Why would Jesus have them go through the storm.

1. To Turn the five thousand away from where Jesus was going.

He was going to a desert place to pray, but the multitudes followed. And Jesus had compassion on them.

2. He was going to send them through a storm of perfection.

Sometimes we do go through storms of correction like Jonah because of disobedience. But this was not so with the disciples. They had obeyed God.

II. Their Is The Promise Of Prayer.

A. He needed prayer for himself.

Jesus ascends up into the mountain to pray.

B. He is praying also for you and me.

He knew there need.

Jesus could see there trouble at sea, but what they did not realize was that Jesus could see them in there darkest hour.

C. We have the need to pray for ourselves

Most men try to pray, yet so few know how. I have found there are two kinds of prayers, the ones that reach God and the ones that don’t.

I is a rare privilege to pray, because it will bring you into a close fellowship with God.

1. Prayer is imperative for the believer.

Luke 18:1, “And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;”

2. You must know the power of prayer.

“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us” (Ephes. 3:20).

Note the source of answered prayers: it is the power that works in us. What is that power within us? It is the combined power of all that God has put within us, all that for which we are praying:

* the power of the Spirit strengthening us.

* the power of Christ indwelling us.

* the power of love working in us.

* the power of understanding all that God does.

* the power of the fulness of God Himself.

Note two things about the power

a. The power of Elijah was the power of prayer!

James 5:16-18 - The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. [17] Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months. [18] And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit.

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