
Summary: Every believer is a manager or steward of God’s blessing on his or her life. If Jesus judged the stewardship of other He will judge mine too,

Jesus went over to the collection box in the Temple and sat and watched as the crowds dropped in their money. Many rich people put in large amounts. 42 Then a poor widow came and dropped in two pennies. (lit. two copper coins = one cent) 43 He called his disciples to him and said, “I assure you, this poor widow has given more than all the others have given. 44 For they gave a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she has.” Mk 12:41-44 (NLT)

1. What do you think Jesus would say to a poor person who was about to give their last cent to a corrupt church?

2. I’m going to get on your “Wallet Nerve”

3. “Money Talks, It says “good bye” (Jesus added new meaning to those words.!)

4. Imagine if I were to take up the offering by boxes up front, sat by them reporting the amount you gave based on your income.

5. This is exactly what Jesus did. (He and His disciples no doubt put something in themselves. Not Hypocrites)

Bible lessons concerning giving (Define Stewardship – management of another’s resources)

1- God Is Watching What We Give!

1- According to the words used Jesus was a “spectator”.

2- Jesus not only watched what others gave He showed it to others. (We are included. ALL In eternity!)

3- What about don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing”?

4- Our giving matters to God!!!

2- Sometimes a Lot is Very Little and a Little May be a Lot

1- God judged gifts based on proportionality. (Equal sacrifice, not equal gifts)

2- In Herod’s Temple there were 13 boxes called “trumpets” that made loud noises with offerings. POOLE

3- Gr. They all gave copper coins – small coins, just a lot of them to make much noise.

4- What a great God Who judges motives and ability.

3- Situational (Circumstance) Giving is Never Acceptable to God

1- Jesus didn’t excuse her from giving because she was “poor” or a “widow”.

2- The most needy persons who ever lived are “Single Mothers”. (Also the greatest givers!)

3- Where would the church be without these Godly women who give all they can?????

The Unfailing Cruse of Oil 1 Kings 17:8-16 (KJV)

Empty Vessels Pay the Debts off 2 Kings 4:1-7 (KJV)

1. Ever read the Scripture that says,

(1) “Love God if you feel like it”?

(2) “Love your neighbor if he is a nice guy”?

(3) “Pray if you have the time”?

(4) “Don’t steal if it’s not worth anything”?

(5) “Don’t lie if it is convenient”?

(6) “Give if you can afford it”?

4- He didn’t even stop her from giving to a corrupt church. (Context vv. 38-40)

5- The most important thing is that she had opportunity to put her faith in God.

6- “olon ton bion autos” – literally, “her whole life”

Pr 11:24 It is possible to give freely and become more wealthy, but those who are stingy will lose everything. (NLT)

4- Giving to God is a Matter of Trust – Faith.

1- All People, Rich and Poor and Dependant on God

2- One of the great reasons I believe widows and single mothers give so much is that they understand their dependence on God

3- What you give says a lot about your faith in God.

550% - more to interest than to the Kingdom of God????

37% - give absolutely nothing to the Kingdom of God???

6% - Tithe (Stats. Larry Burkett, “Beyond All Limits”.)


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