
Summary: To grow in our faith we must learn to trust in the promises of God. Taken from Jim Cymbala’s book Fresh Faith.

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When most of us think about how we are doing spiritually, we think about surface things. We zero in on behavior patterns, such as have we been gossiping, have we been staying true to our marriage, have we been reading our Bibles, have we been tithing? We concentrate on outward works while forgetting that they are simply the fruit of a deeper spiritual factor.

In the church, too many preachers are interested in attendance alone, which has nothing to do with a church’s health. What matters is not how many people are showing up, but how active and vibrant their faith is in the God they serve. You can easily pack a building without pleasing God, because crowds do not equal spirituality.

In today’s churches the new ABC’s of Christianity are Attendance, Building’s and Contribution.

When Paul sent Timothy to check up on the new Thesalonian church you think he would have asked first about the church’s growth.

Did they have a building of their own yet?

How many people were attending on Sundays?

Were the offerings enough to cover the bills?

And what about the individual people: Had they stopped swearing, drinking, carousing? Going to see bad entertainment? Sleeping around?

Not at all! Instead, in 1 Thessalonians 3, the apostle Paul reveals that his primary concern is for the faith level of his precious converts. He wants to take a temperature reading of their spiritual health, and faith is what he is looking for. He doesn’t just assume that because they are Christians, they are automatically walking in robust faith. Listen to his words and see how unfamiliar his approach is to our modern ears:

. "We sent Timothy. . . to strengthen and encourage you in your faith" (v. 2).

. "When I could stand it no longer, I sent to find out about your faith " (v. 5).

. "But Timothy has just now come to us from you and has brought good news about your faith and love" (v. 6).

. "Therefore, brothers, in all our distress and persecution we were encouraged about you because of your faith " (v. 7).

. "Night and day we pray most earnestly that we may see you again and supply what is lacking in your faith " (v. 10).

Throughout this chapter, Paul is churned up about one simple word. In fact, this is more than a checkup. He has sent Timothy to "strengthen and encourage" the people in their faith. Notice that nothing is said about the Thesalonian building, nothing about the sound system or the lights or the carpet. Instead, a lot of attention to their faith. But even that isn’t enough for Paul. In verse 10 he says he wants to make another trip there himself to "see you again and supply what is lacking in your faith."

Why this emphasis?

What Paul knew, but what we seem to have forgotten, is that when people break down in their behavior, backslide into sinful living, or grow cold in the Lord, it is because their faith has broken down first. When someone’s temper keeps flaring out of control, that is not the real problem; down underneath is a weakness of faith. So it is with all our departures from right living.

Our ministry goal should not be to fill the building but to teach the Word of God in such a way that people’s faith in Christ is built up. What God is really after is a people who show a strong, personal faith in him.

Have you ever read in Scripture about "Father David"?

Or "Father Moses"?

What about "Father Daniel"?

These were all mighty men of God, to be sure. They rank among the greatest warriors, kings, prophets, and leaders of history. But none of them achieved the special honor bestowed upon "the father of all who believe, . . . the father of [those] who also walk in the footsteps of faith, . . . our father in the sight of God, in whom he believed, . . . the father of many nations" His name is Abraham.

Abraham was obviously the great example when it comes to faith. How did he ever develop such towering trust in God? What can we do to develop the same type of Faith.


On the day when God first spoke to Abram, God said, Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you. Now listen to the promises found in Genesis 12:1-3.

I will make you into a great nation

and I will bless you;

I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing .

I will bless those who bless you,

and whoever curses you I will curse;

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Bruce Ball

commented on Jul 27, 2009

Pastor Houck, thank you for sharing this message. It is very important, yet simple enough for the youngest person to fully understand. Well written and definitely written with the heart of our Lord. Thank you again!

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