
Summary: The waiting room is not a place of inactivity, but of divine preparation, renewal, and transformation.

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Sermon Manuscript: In The Waiting Room

Text: Isaiah 40:31 (NKJV)

“But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”


People of God, I sense in my spirit today that there are many in this place who are in a season of waiting. You are in a waiting room—waiting on God to move, waiting for a breakthrough, waiting for the answer to a prayer you’ve been crying out for. And the waiting room can be one of the most difficult places to be. It can be lonely, frustrating, and exhausting. But the Lord has sent me here with a word for you today. Hear me in the Spirit: the waiting room is not a place of abandonment, but of preparation. It is not a place of punishment, but of purpose.

The Lord says to you today: “In the waiting, I am working.” You may not see it yet, but God is doing something deep within you in this season. So don’t despise the waiting. Don’t rush through it. The waiting room is where God is preparing you for what’s coming next. Hallelujah!

I. The Waiting Room: A Place of Divine Preparation

Saints, waiting is not a waste of time! Let me say it again: waiting is not wasting! There is a divine purpose behind every delay. You see, God uses the waiting room to prepare us for the next level. He is shaping you, refining you, and getting you ready for the very thing you’ve been praying for. Look at Joseph—he was in a waiting room for years, in prison, forgotten by man but not by God. That waiting room was not the end of his story; it was preparation for his promotion to the palace.

I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, “What I am preparing you for is bigger than what you could ever imagine!” But you have to trust the process. You have to trust that even when nothing seems to be happening, God is working behind the scenes. Don’t rush the preparation; embrace it!

II. The Power in Waiting: Renewed Strength

Isaiah says, “Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength.” There is power in waiting on God. There is a divine exchange happening when we wait. When you wait on the Lord, He takes your weakness, and He gives you His strength. He takes your fatigue, and He pours in His endurance. Somebody in here is tired of waiting—you feel worn out, weary, like you can’t take another step. But hear me: God is about to renew your strength!

The word “renew” in the Hebrew means to exchange. God is offering you a divine exchange today—your weakness for His strength. Your doubt for His faith. Your confusion for His clarity. Oh, I feel the presence of God! He says, “I am your strength in the waiting! You will not grow weary, you will not faint. I will sustain you!”

III. The Posture in Waiting: Active Faith

Let me remind you, child of God: waiting on God is not passive, it’s active! Waiting doesn’t mean sitting around doing nothing; it means positioning yourself in faith and expectation. It’s about serving God while you wait, worshiping while you wait, trusting while you wait. It’s like the eagle—when an eagle waits, it doesn’t just sit idly. It waits for the right wind to come, and when that wind comes, the eagle spreads its wings and lets the wind carry it above the storm.

God says to you today, “I am sending a fresh wind.” Get ready! You are not waiting in vain. There is a wind of the Holy Spirit coming that will lift you up above your circumstances, above your confusion, above your trials. Get in position! Spread your wings of faith, and get ready to soar.

IV. The Promise in Waiting: Mounting, Running, Walking

Isaiah says, “You shall mount up with wings like eagles, you shall run and not grow weary, you shall walk and not faint.” These are not empty promises; these are the guaranteed outcomes of waiting on the Lord! Listen, church: God will give you the strength to fly when you need to fly, to run when you need to run, and to walk when you need to walk.

I hear the Lord saying, “Get ready to soar!” You’ve been waiting, but now is the time of elevation. You’ve been weary, but God is going to give you supernatural strength to run this race. You’ve been feeling faint, but He is giving you endurance for the journey ahead. Don’t give up now! The Lord says, “Your breakthrough is on the other side of this wait!”


God is doing something in the waiting. The waiting room is not a place of defeat—it’s a place of renewal. God is getting you ready to soar, to run, and to walk in victory. Whatever you’re waiting on today, trust in the Lord. He will make a way in His time, in His way, and in His power.

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