
Summary: When all else is failing about you, it is good to know that we still have the Holy Spirit: even during life's trying times.

Rev. Todd Justice 2 Kings 4:1-7 Jan. 09, 2010

I) The supply of the oil.v.1-2

a. The oil was there during the hard times.v.1

1. Time of great sorrow.

2. Time of debt.

3. Time when much could have been lost.

b. The oil was there when nothing else was.v.2

1. Sometimes God wants us to take a inventory of what we have.

2. God wants us to realize He is always there.

II) The sufficiency of the oil.v.3-6a

a. The Spirit expects to share His blessings.v.3

1. They were to get the vessels needed from the friends and neighbors.

2. Spirit wants us to empty ourselves.

3. He expects us to believe, he is going to overflow us.

b. The Spirit expects us to be obedient.v.3-6a

1. They were told to collect vessels.v.3

2. They were told to shut out the outside world.v.4-5

3. They were told to pour out the oil. (Rom.12:1)

c. The oil is filling.v.6a

III) The sustainability of the oil.v.6-7

a. The oil will stay when nothing else will.

1. He knows just what we need.

2. It sustained her debt.

3. It was enough to live on.

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