The Value Of Christian Ideals
Contributed by Gerry Pratt on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Our Christian ideals affect: What is taught and what is allowed to be taught...our attitudes...our goals...and they give a real focus to our way and walk of life.
I Kings 8:18 - 18“But the Lord said to my father David,
‘Whereas it was in your heart to build a temple for My
name, you did well that it was in your heart.
Let us take a look at what Webster has to say about ideals:
“Existing as an idea, model, or archetype; or as a perfect
model; exactly as one would desire; of a perfect kind.”
A. In the more common vernacular.....”The way
things ought to be.”
1. Christian ideals should not be determined by
our opinions or other men’s rules.....but by the
direction and measurement of the Word of
B. We, as Christians, should have a good grasp of
Christian ideals and allow those ideals to guide our
1. Christian ideals are the “nuts-and-bolts” of
what the scriptures teach us.
Christian ideals are more than goals.
A. They should certainly be involved in our goals.
1. These ideals should be the guiding factor....
the basis, if you will, of the formation of our
a. Anyone can have goals.....the cab driver
can have goals......the farmer can have
goals........even the bank robber can have
1.) A Christian’s goals MUST BE
Christian ideals will produce Christian attributes.
Hear a man, by the name of Bob Logan, on “vision” which
is directly related to Christian ideals:
Vision: the capacity to create a compelling picture of the
desired state of affairs that inspires people to respond; that
which is desirable, which could be, should be; that which is
attainable. A godly vision is right for the times, right for the
church, and right for the people. A godly vision promotes
faith rather than fear. A godly vision motivates people to
action. A godly vision requires risk-taking. A godly vision
glorifies God, not people.
I. Christian ideals will motivate the Christian to action.
A. Nobody who declares himself a Christian can
sit idle when he understands the urgency of the
work that needs to be done.
1. Those who have not formed the proper
Christian ideals don’t see the need or the
urgency of working steadfastly in the
a. They are easily satisfied with little, for
they do not see the picture that God’s
Word paints of the desperate state of
Let me illustrate urgency to you with a little story:
Just before giving a lavish party at his estate, a tycoon
had his swimming pool filled with poisonous snakes. He
called the guests together and announced, "To anyone
brave enough to swim across this pool, I will give the
choice of a thousand acres of my oil fields, 10,000 head
of cattle, or my daughter’s hand in marriage." No
sooner were his words spoken than a young man
plunged in, swam across the pool and climbed
out--unscathed but breathless.
"Congratulations!" the tycoon greeted him. "Do you
want my oil fields?"
"No!" gasped the guest.
"The 10,000 head of cattle?"
"No!" the young man shouted.
"Well, how about my daughter’s--" "No!"
"You must want something," said the puzzled host.
"I just want to know the name of the guy who pushed
me in!"
B. Some may know this need, but because they have
not formed any ideals (Bible based goals)....the
lost stay lost.....the ignorant remain ignorant.
1. This is a sin of omission and is as grave a
sin, in the sight of God, as murder.
a. Indeed, it is related to murder.
1.) When one knows that another
fellow human being is headed for
eternal torments and can.....with
this knowledge......withhold the
very solution to this person’s
horrible fate.......God considers this
a despicable sin.
James 4:17 - 17Therefore, to him who knows to do good
and does not do it, to him it is sin.
II. Christian ideals will determine what we teach others
and just what we allow to be taught, as faithful doctrine.
A. The ideal of the Bible is truth.
1. This is truth, in every sense of the word.
a. As Christians, we cannot deceive....in
any way.....for any reason.
1.) We understand that the ends do
not justify the means.
a.) We must sow the pure seed....
anything less will not
produce the plant that God
wants planted.
I Thess. 2:3-6 - 3For our exhortation did not come from
error or uncleanness, nor was it in deceit. 4But as we have
been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel,
even so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God who tests
our hearts. 5For neither at any time did we use flattering
words, as you know, nor a cloak for covetousness—God is
witness. 6Nor did we seek glory from men, either from you
or from others, when we might have made demands as
apostles of Christ.
Matt. 15:13 - 13But He answered and said, “Every plant
which My heavenly Father has not planted will be