
Summary: The Gospel is being neglected and the lost are suffering as a result. We must embrace the use of the greatest and most powerful tool we have as a Christian.

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Scripture: Mark 16:1 – 6

Title: “An Unused Gospel”

Introduction: There’s a story about a wealthy man who was terminally ill. The doctor said, "There’s only “one thing” that will save you. “A brain transplant.” - It’s an experimental operation. And it’s very expensive." The wealthy guy said, - "Money is no object. Can you get me a brain?" The doctor said, - "We have three available right now. The first one was from a college professor. But it’ll cost you $10,000." The guy said, "Don’t worry. I can pay; it will make me much wiser. What about the second brain?" The doctor said, "It was from a rocket scientist. It’ll cost you $100,000." The man said, "I have the money. And I’d be a lot smarter too. But tell me about the third brain." The doctor said, "The third brain is from a Professional football player. But it would set you back a million dollars." The man said, "A million dollars? Why so much for his brain?" The doctor said, "It’s never been used."

· We too have unused power in us, above us, around us, everywhere, not our brain, but it is called The GOSPEL!

The story of the antidote. / The “Only” Cure / Tremendously Expensive!

How many Gospels are there? – Four, You say? Ah, but there’s FIVE!

· In each one of the Gospels the heading begins with, “The Gospel According to: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

· The primary focus in each of the Gospels is on Jesus.

· The ‘Fifth’ Gospel is you! - What would the heading read after ‘your’ name? “The Gospel According to You!”

The Apostle Paul said, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to Jews first and also Gentiles.”

· The Gospel is Good News! - It’s hard for me to understand how anyone who knows what the Gospel of Christ is would be ashamed of it.

WHAT IS THE GOSPEL? / The New Testament begins with Four!

· It’s an oversimplification just to say the Gospel is, “Good News!”

· Time will not permit me to thoroughly explain the Gospel at the moment.

· But to put it simply in my words, The “Gospel” is: (1) The “power of God through Jesus Christ’s finished work on this earth to provide a life that is pleasing to God.” (2) To provide a wonderful life while living here on this earth. (3) To carry us to heaven when this life is over here.

· There is much, much more but this is it in a nutshell.


· It is so simple even a caveman can get it!

· The Gospel is for Everyone!

· The Gospel is Powerful!

· It’s FREE, but it isn’t CHEAP!


THE UNUSED GOSPEL! (Mark 16: 1 – 6)

· When the three women came to the tomb of Jesus to place the precious spices on the body of Jesus they realized He was gone!

· Oh, how we fail the people around us by not sharing our love, our kindness, our Gospel, and ourselves!

· They weren’t able to use the preservatives on the body!

· Unfulfilled intentions were all they were left with! (And the Perfume!)

THE REJECTED GOSPEL! (Matthew 21:33 – 46) “The Wicked Husbandman”

· The Lord of the vineyard had a right to expect a return on His investment.

· Repeated rejection of the servants to the point of killing them.

· Last of all the Lord of the vineyard sent his Son expecting respect and reverence, but they KILLED Him too!

· Rejection! – Those who were intended to have it rejected the Gospel!


· People want to change. (This was the theme of the last election!) Example: Jim Jones – 960 deaths!

· Why aren’t people coming to the churches? / Have they been let down?

· Have they been INVITED?

· Don’t forget, we (Christians) are in charge! / We have the Antidote!

· Are we singing louder to keep from hearing the cries? (Story)

· If only we could realize the power within us that could be unleashed in a world that is suffering because of the lack of this concern for others.

EVANGELISM! – This Basically Telling People About the Gospel!

· Jesus began the process of Evangelism – Luke 4:18!

· Then, Jesus commissioned His disciples to continue the process – Mt. 28:18 – 20.

· Then, the great “Evangelistic Explosion” burst forth in Acts 2:1 – with coming of the Holy Spirit!

CONCLUSION: The indifference of the Church and the indecision of the sinner must be consumed by the Power of the Gospel!

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