The Truth About Sin
Contributed by Jeff Taylor on Dec 29, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: Too many people are convinced that God will never forgive them for their sins. I'm here to tell you that is nonsense! In this message, I want to show the truth about sin that no one has the faith to tell you.
Today, I want to teach on a rather sensitive subject. A subject most people don't want to hear about, talk about, or even read about. Sin. I want to teach on this subject because so many people have been taught so foolishly about sin. And because of what they've heard from Preachers, Evangelists and people in the church itself, they have an understanding of sin that just does not line up with God's Word at all. Some believe that if you sin, you're no longer saved. Others believe that if you sin, you can't be in ministry. Others believe that if you sin, you will never be forgiven. And this last one is the most popular among the reasonings that have developed due to misinterpretation of the Scriptures, false teachings from Pastors and Evangelists, and people in the church who think they know something about God's Word, when all they know is what the Bible says and haven't sought the Holy Spirit to gain wisdom and understanding of those Scriptures. They have leaned on their own understanding to interpret the Bible instead of seeking God about those Scriptures.
Now, some of you are asking yourselves, "What's wrong with that?" Well, I'll tell you. 2 Timothy 3:16 says, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." Now, this verse also answers the argument a lot of people like to use to disprove the Bible saying, "It was written by men!" Let me explain something to you, 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says the words of Scripture are "God breathed" or inspired. That means God is the source or origin of what is recorded in Scripture. God, THROUGH THE HOLY SPIRIT, (it's important that you catch that.) used human authors to write what HE revealed in the Bible. They were not mere copyists or transcribers.
In other words, the men who wrote the Bible were under the anointing of God, I wish I had a shout in here! And under that anointing, which was the "inspiration" that Paul is telling Timothy about, God GAVE THEM the words to write in HIS book. Revelation 1:10-11, John proves that point when he records, "I was IN THE SPIRIT on the Lord’s Day, and I heard behind me a loud voice, as of a trumpet, saying, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last,” and, (catch this) “WHAT YOU SEE, write in a book."
How many of you know that it's not just what you SEE, it's what you HEAR? Oh, I wish I had a shout in here! John not only saw the Lord, he HEARD Him! So, you could say Jesus told him, "What you SEE, and what you HEAR, (Come on somebody!) write in a book." That verse of Scripture alone tells me that God can anoint His people to write HIS words and put them in a book. And that's what they did. They HEARD what the Lord told them, and they wrote it down. They wrote them down in a scroll. Remember when Jesus got up and stood in the temple to read from the Scriptures, that He took a SCROLL? Not a Bible, but a scroll. Luke 4:17, "And the SCROLL of the prophet Isaiah was handed to Him."
My point is, GOD is the TRUE Author of the Scriptures. Not man. Man wrote the words. But the words were God's, not man's. Haven't you ever heard of someone hiring people to write for them? Many authors in the world are unable to write themselves for a number of reasons and hire people to write what they tell them to write. Many authors out there who are blind, who are paralyzed, or have some kind of medical restraint have hired people to write their books for them. But those people only PHYSICALLY write the words. But, it's the actual author who wrote the book. What am I saying? If you want to truly understand the Bible and God's Word, you need to seek Him for understanding.
And it's because most people don't, that false doctrine has infiltrated the Church and has caused many of God's ELECT to be led astray. I know a person who told me about how they're struggling to pay their bills and their rent. Now, this is a church person. They believe in God, they have the Holy Spirit in them and on them, you can feel the fire of God on them. But this is what got me. They told me they went to their fellow congregants for prayer asking them to believe with them that God would open a door for them and for financial breakthrough in their life. This person told me that some of the people they talked to told them not to pay their tithes, but pay their rent instead.