
Summary: The mark of the true Apostolic is: I must decrease that He might increase. The mark of the false Apostolic is give me gold and give me glory.

There is a heart that says "my role is to make Jesus Famous"

This is the heart that has seen heaven and tasted of Gods Glory.

This is the fruit of a ministry set aside for God’s glory. This is the measure of the true Apostolic

John 7:18 TLB Those who present their own ideas are looking for praise for themselves, but those who seek to honor the one who sent them are good and genuine.

Paul said in: Galatians 6:14 As for me, God forbid that I should boast about anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of that cross, my interest in this world died long ago, and the world’s interest in me is also long dead.

The mark of the true Apostolic is: I must decrease that He might increase. The mark of the false Apostolic is give me gold and give me glory.

In all you do, Do it for the glory of Jesus Christ! God will not share his glory with any man.

Many feel hidden right now, but hidden from What? God sees you, and your reward is in His hand.

You may not receive acknowledgement from man but you will receive it from God! (note the woman who poured perfume onto the feet of Jesus, Jesus said her story is to be told forever)

James was put to death in Jerusalem he didnt care he just wanted to make Jesus famous.

Thomas died killed with a spear in India he didn’t care he wanted to make Jesus famous. Peter died on a cross upside down he didnt care he just wanted to make Jesus famous Andrew died tied with rope to a cross and it took four days to die! He didn’t care he wanted to make Jesus famous.

Paul lost his head in Rome, He didn’t care He just wanted to make Jesus famous! Phillip stoned in Hierapolis then his boby was put on a cross, He didnt care he just wanted to make Jesus Famous Bartholomew placed in a sack and cast into the water in Armenia He didnt care he just wanted to make Jesus famous Matthew was covered in oil and set alight He didnt care he just wanted to make Jesus famous James son of Alphaeus was stoned but he didnt care he just wanted to make jesus famous Jude Thaddaeus was run through with a Javelin in Armenia but he didnt care he just wanted to make Jesus Famous Simon the Zelot was crucifyed but he didnt care he just wanted to make Jesus famous. John was imprisioned, several attempts to kill him failed He didnt care he just wanted to make Jesus famous

Judas loved the money and the Glory, he died in shame in a potters field.

When we catch a glimpse of Heaven and dwell in its atmosphere our life is but a shadow in the Glory of the King. Our many words fall silent and our works pass away. All that is left is our adoration and worship of the Master. Oh that all His Children would catch a glimpse of Heaven, then in humility at His feet they would fall.

Go and make Jesus famous Preach the Gospel of Jesus to bring Him glory!

Tell all how Jesus Heals

Perform signs & wonders to make Jesus famous

Call down Glory for Him!

Pray for ways to make Jesus famous

Seek Ask & Knock to further His kingdom.

If we desire to see the Glory of God in our meetings and our market place ministries. The Holy Spirit will come and He will perform wonderous acts if the aim of our actions and our heart is always "TO MAKE JESUS FAMOUS" May the true Apostolic rise that Jesus may be seen in all His Glory.

Ian Johnson

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