
Summary: The grace of God which brings salvation, works a miraculous and complete transformation in the character and relationship of all who truly believe. We may still have the same physical looks and earthly status, but God’s grace brings changes in our spiritu

Intro: Our text says, “…this grace wherein we stand.” The word “grace” is found 170X in the King James Bible = God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense! There is a difference between God’s mercy and grace. Mercy simply means not getting what we deserve while Grace means getting what we do not deserve. The grace of God which brings salvation, works a miraculous and complete transformation in the character and relationship of all who truly believe. We may still have the same physical looks and earthly status, but God’s grace brings 10 changes in our spiritual relationships—

1. CONCERNING GOD THE FATHER (Rom. 5:10). Believers are no longer enemies, but sons of God. Outside the Person and work of the Lord Jesus, we are condemned and hell-bound sinners. Now by God’s grace, instead of being under His wrath, we are now under His special care!

2. CONCERNING CHRIST THE SON (Eph. 2:12-13). As sinners we are without Christ and without hope, but now grace had made us nearer and united to the Lord. We have been saved, cleansed by His blood, and kept by His power.

3. CONCERNING THE HOLY SPIRIT (John 14:16, 26). Before, the Holy Spirit had no place in our person which was like a house full of uncleanness. Now He makes us His temple and abides within us as our Guide and Comforter.

4. CONCERNING THE LAW (Gal. 4:4-5; 5:18). Before grace came we were under the law, and, because of sin, we were under the curse. But now we are no longer under the law, but under grace. The law is now being fulfilled in us who became adopted sons of God and walk after the Spirit.

5. CONCERNING THE POWER OF SIN ((Rom. 6:14-15). Sin used to have dominion over us because we were spiritually dead. We were slaves of sin but now its guilt has been cleansed and its power broken! We are freed from sin!

6. CONCERNING THIS PRESENT WORLD (Eph. 2:2-6). The Bible says that in times past we walked according to the course of this world which was broad way leading to destruction. But now we have been delivered out of it, and sent into it as witnesses for the living God. We used to love the world and its passing lusts and pleasures, but now we love not the world, and are hated by it (John 15:19).

7. CONCERNING TRIALS AND AFFLICTIONS (II Cor. 4:17). While unsaved, all trials and afflictions were looked upon as enemies to our good. But now, by God’s grace, we no longer despise and reject life’s troubles and problems knowing that all things will eventually work together for our own good (Rom. 8:28). God enables us to see beyond our present sufferings into future comfort and glory with Christ!

8. CONCERNING GOOD WORKS (Eph. 2:8-9; Rom. 3:24). Until grace came, we trusted in our good works and limited understanding for the forgiveness of our sins. Being now saved by God’s grace apart from man-made ways, we have also become co-workers together with God (II Cor. 6:1). What a privilege to serve under the King of Kings!

9. CONCERNING DEATH (Heb. 2:14-15). Before we knew God’s grace, death was a mighty danger to us. Its fear was ever upon us no matter how much we deny its reality. Praise God, we now know death to be a vanquished foe, and a doorway into Christ’s presence in glory (I Cor. 15:55).

10. CONCERNING JUDGMENT (I John 4:17a). Before we had the grace of God, our future was dark and uncertain as far as God’s coming judgment is concerned. We had no peace and assurance about it. Glory to God, we as His beloved children have been given boldness and confidence even on the day of judgment (I John 2:28).

Conclusion: My friend, this same confidence and assurance can be yours when you meet your Creator on judgment day! God’s transforming grace can be yours by truly repenting of your sins and believing on the Lord Jesus Christ TODAY!

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