
The Transforming Fire of God

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 8, 2023
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Exploring Exodus 3, we observe how an ordinary bush becomes a vessel for God's presence. It serves as God's dwelling place, His mouthpiece, and a site of purity and transformation. It ultimately stands as an everlasting witness to God's power and glory.


Good morning and welcome in the name of Jesus, our Savior and Lord. Today, I want us to reflect on a simple yet powerful thought from the book of Exodus. It is this: Without God's fire, a bush is just a bush.

I. God's Fire Makes the Bush His Dwelling Place

In Exodus chapter three, we read about a regular thorn bush that caught Moses' attention because it was engulfed in flames. What made this bush different was that it was not being consumed by the fire. God's presence had come down in the form of fire to dwell in this bush and speak to Moses. This teaches us that God can dwell anywhere He desires, even in the most ordinary of places.

Today, God desires to dwell in our hearts and lives. We can experience His presence by allowing His Holy Spirit to purify us and fill us. We can become vessels for God's fire, becoming His dwelling place on earth.

II. God's Fire Makes the Bush His Mouthpiece

Not only did the burning bush serve as God's dwelling place, but it also became His mouthpiece. God spoke to Moses from within the flames, delivering His message of salvation and redemption.

Similarly, God desires to speak to us today. Through prayer, worship, and reading His Word, we can hear His voice and receive His guidance. We must have a desire to listen, prepare ourselves to hear, and exercise our ability to recognize God's voice.

III. God's Fire Purifies and Transforms the Bush

The burning bush was not consumed by the fire; instead, it was transformed into a sacred place. Moses experienced a heart change in the presence of God's fire. This transformation empowered him to lead the Israelites out of slavery and become a vessel for God's Word.

Likewise, when we allow God's fire to purify us and fill us with His Holy Spirit, we undergo a transformation from the inside out. We become agents of change, empowered to bring God's love and redemption to others. God's fire ignites our hearts for Him and for those around us.

IV. God's Fire Makes the Bush an Everlasting Witness

The story of the burning bush has been shared for thousands of years and continues to impact people today. It stands as a witness to God's glory, power, and love.

Just like the burning bush, we can be witnesses for God. We have the choice to be vessels of His fire, shining His light and sharing His message of salvation. Our lives can serve as a testimony to God's transforming power.


Without God's fire, a bush is just a bush. But with God's fire, it becomes a dwelling place for Him, a mouthpiece for His message, a place of purity and transformation, and an everlasting witness to His power. Today, let us invite God's fire into our lives and allow Him to work through us, so that we may be a burning bush for the Lord.

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