
The Transformative Power of Divine Touch

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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Divine touch is a heavenly touch, it is touch of power and a transforming touch. It a touch that produces change and it is different from an ordinary touch of a friend, a spouse or colleagues. A touch could be by laying of hand or through spoken words, deeds, or actions.


Divine touch is a heavenly touch, a touch of power that transforms. It is different from an ordinary touch from a friend or family member. This touch can be through laying on of hands or spoken words, deeds, or actions. Today, we will explore some distinct divine touches revealed in the Holy Scripture.

Jacob's Divine Touch

In Genesis 32:24-26, Jacob was returning from a foreign country after a strained relationship with his brother Esau. Esau was determined to seek revenge, but while Jacob was waiting, a man began to wrestle with him. This man turned out to be an angel of God. They wrestled all night, and when daybreak came, the angel touched Jacob's hip and gave him a new name. This divine touch settled the problem between Jacob and Esau. Instead of destroying him, Esau welcomed him with open arms.

Israel's Divine Touch

In Exodus, God decided to deliver the children of Israel from the hard bondage of Pharaoh. He performed many signs and wonders, and even the Egyptian magicians acknowledged that these were the works of God (Exodus 8:19). No matter what problem or bondage you are facing, God will bring you out victorious. Isaiah 14:3-5 assures us that the Lord will give us rest from our sorrows, fears, and hard bondage. The oppressor will cease, and we will experience freedom.

Elijah's Divine Touch

In 1 Kings 19, Elijah was discouraged and depressed. He even wished for death. While resting under a Juniper tree, he received a touch from heaven (verse 5). This divine touch raised him up, and he went on to have a great ministry. If any area of your ministry feels dead, a touch from heaven can bring it back to life.

The Woman's Divine Touch

In Mark 5:25-34, there was a woman who had been suffering from a flow of blood for twelve years. She had spent all her money on physicians but only grew worse. Imagine the feeling of hopelessness and desperation. If you find yourself in a similar situation, I have good news for you. The divine touch of God will reach you today in the name of Jesus Christ. God is never late, and when His perfect timing aligns with our natural time, divine appointments happen. Today, you are having a divine appointment with destiny.

The Leper's Divine Touch

In Mark 1:40-41, a leper came to Jesus, imploring Him to make him clean. Jesus, moved with compassion, stretched out His hand and touched him, saying, "I am willing, be cleansed." Instantly, the man was cleansed. Whatever leprosy you are experiencing today, whether physical or spiritual, a touch from heaven can cleanse you.

The Blind Man's Divine Touch

In Mark 10:46, there was a blind man who came to Jesus asking for his sight to be restored. Jesus touched him, and he received his sight. Jesus is the great physician, and He can heal you if you are sick today.

The Widow's Divine Touch

In Luke chapter 7, there was a widow in the city of Nain who had lost her only son. She was filled with sorrow and oppression. As they were going to bury her son, they encountered Jesus. Today, you will encounter the Lord. Jesus stretched out His hand and touched the coffin, and the man came back to life. As you receive the touch of God today, everything that is dead in you and your ministry will come alive in Jesus' name.


The divine touch for Jacob brought reconciliation, for the Israelites it brought deliverance, and for Elijah it brought restoration and reassurance. The woman with the issue of blood experienced a transformation touch that made her whole. The leper received a touch of renewal as his flesh was restored. The blind man experienced recovery as he regained his sight. The son of the widow woman received a touch of resurrection.

Jesus is the Savior, the Great Physician, and the Healer. The Bible reassures us that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. If you believe and trust in the Lord today, He will heal you if you are sick, deliver you if you are oppressed, and give you fruitfulness if you are barren.

We all long for the touch of the Lord. We desire reconciliation where there is conflict, restoration where there is discouragement, and righteousness when burdened by sin. We seek reassurance when we feel incapable of what the Lord is calling us to do, renewal when we are sick, recovery when we are blind, and resurrection when something in our life feels dead.

The divine touch saves sinners, heals the sick, and delivers the oppressed. It sanctifies believers, strengthens the weak, and restores those who have gone astray. The divine touch empowers the people of God and recreates us to be conformed to the image of His Son.

In conclusion, divine touch can be classified into three groups: a transforming touch that changes the life of an unrepentant sinner, a triumphant touch that makes us more than conquerors, and a transcending touch that goes beyond our natural abilities.

My prayer is that in any area of your life where you need the touch of God, He will touch you and your situation will never be the same. Be blessed.

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