
Summary: Migdol means tower and that’s where God brought the children of Israel to. We, as children of God, need to find our way to the tower of power.

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******SERMON OUTLINE*******

There’s Power in the Tower...

I. Introduction

Turn with me to Exodus 14:1

Praise God Church!!!

How many in here this morning have ever been

through a storm in your life?

A time in your life when:

Nothing went right!

No matter what you did you couldn’t get back

on your feet! How many been there?

You might catch a break over here but then

the enemy starts attacking over there!

You might work out your financial problems,

but then you’ve got marital problems! Amen?

How many know what I’m talking about this


Come on now! Don’t get quiet on me this


This is your chance to speak up and speak out

and be heard! Amen?

How many are going through a storm right


Maybe you’re having troubles...

With your finances,

Bill collectors beating down your door,

Your marriage,

Dealing with unsaved children,

And unsaved spouses,

Maybe the enemy won’t give you a break,

Your boss is giving you a hard time,

Problems with your co-workers

No matter how many applications you fill out

you can’t get a job!

Whatever the case may be you feel like you’ve

been backed into a corner by your problems.

Maybe you feel like there’s no way out!

The enemy has got your back against the wall!

You’re between a rock and a hard place.

Well I want to tell you this morning that I serve

a God who can deliver you from that storm!

He can defeat the enemy that you’re facing!

And not only do I know that He can,

I know that He will!

And not only will He deliver you,

He’ll use that situation to build you up!

He’ll take that same problem that made you

feel so weak and helpless and use it to

strengthen you so that He can recieve the glory

from your life.

How many believe that?

II. The Israelites In Migdol...

Exo 14:1 And the LORD spoke unto Moses, saying,

Exo 14:2 Speak unto the children of Israel, that they turn and encamp before Pi-hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea, over against Baal-zephon: before it shall ye encamp by the sea.

Exo 14:3 For Pharaoh will say of the children of Israel, They are entangled in the land, the wilderness hath shut them in.

Exo 14:4 And I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, that he shall follow after them; and I will be honored upon Pharaoh, and upon all his host; that the Egyptians may know that I am the LORD. And they did so.

How many see what’s going on here?

God had delivered the children of Israel from Egypt.

He had delivered them from a four hundred and

thirty year old problem.

And now in such a short period of time they seem to

be right back in the storm.

They’ve been dealing with the enemy for 430 years

in Egypt and now they have to face the enemy again

in the wilderness.

Sound familiar?

Just like some of us it seemed like the children of

Israel just couldn’t catch a break. Amen?

Just like us they felt like there was no way out!

They were stuck between the Red Sea and the entire

Egyptian army!

And they just knew that it was all over for them.

They were saying we’ve followed God but he led us

to a dead end!

They were wondering where do we go from here?

They had set up camp between Migdol and the Red

Sea because that’s what Moses said to do,

And now it was starting to look like this was going

to be their final resting place.

They started yelling at Moses and saying

they’d rather serve the Egyptians, than die in

the wilderness,

But God had a different plan!

He brought them to Migdol for a reason!

III. A Tower In The Wilderness...

The name Migdol means...tower

They didn’t realize it, but that is exactly where

God wanted them to be.

He had strategically placed them at that


Towers were built for the defense of the people.

Towers have always been used as points of


Guard would climb up to the top of these

towers so that they could see the enemy

coming from a good distance away.

But this is not the only purpose that the tower


Towers, during this particular time period,

were not only used as lookout points.

I found out that these towers were also used as


Inside of these towers, armies would stockpile


so that if the enemy would come, they would

have the weapons that they needed to defend

themselves, and defeat the opposition.

Everything they needed for defense was already

in the tower!

They had firepower in the tower!

I believe that God’s sole purpose for bringing

the Israelites to Migdol was so that they could

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