The Tongue
Contributed by Grant Adams on May 5, 2022 (message contributor)
Summary: When you go to the doctor for a physical examination, often one of the first things they will tell you is to, “Stick out your tongue.” They can often diagnose the illness by looking at the tongue.
When you go to the doctor for a physical examination, often one of the first things they will tell you is to, “Stick out your tongue.” They can often diagnose the illness by looking at the tongue. Just as in the physical realm the tongue often reveals the condition on the inside, so also in the spiritual realm. Matthew 26:
Sunday as a pro fact box this matter of the control of the tongue one of great importance. I'd like to challenge you just hit your current race all references to the tongue. You will be amazed. For example, Matthew 12, by our words we will be condemned or justified. The tongue sins: Psalm 17:3, 39:1
I. The Tongue is a Criteria by which our Life is Judged
1. What would you say to describe a perfect man? Verse 2
2. James 1:26, the word religion has to do with the outward forms of ceremonies of religion.
3. Here is a man because of the outward ceremonies of his activities gives the appearance that he is deeply religious.
4. If he cannot control his tongue, his religion is empty, useless, vain. All he has is the award ceremony.
5. The heart expresses itself through the tongue. The mouth is the overflow spout of the heart. Matthew 12: 34-36
6. the control of the tongue is a sign of spiritual maturity. He is perfect, complete, full grown, mature. Verse 2
II. Control of the Tongue is the Secret of Self-Mastery
1. Verses 2-3
2. James is saying if you want to know the secret of self-control, here it is.
3. most Christians go through their Christian lives struggling, striving, praying to somehow gain spiritual victory.
a. They will try this and that.
b. They will seek after new experiences.
c. But the secret is found in verse 3.
4. If a man is unable to control his tongue, he'll be unable to control any part of his life.
5. I tell you that if you are unable to control your tongue, you have other discipline problems as well.
6. Your gossip, evil talk, idle talk is simply an indication that you have other discipline problems.
7. How do you measure up? You say I do have this problem. No, it's a sin and you have other problems.
III. The Tongue is Compass by Which our Life Journeys
1. James is giving the picture of a journey. The tongue is like the bridle in a horse’s mouth or the rudder of a ship. It determines direction.
2. There is an important truth. How you use your tongue literally sets the course of your entire life. 1 Peter 3: 10, proverbs 21: 23
3. the tongue determines a life of discipline. In verse three is a picture of a runaway horse. Just as the horse is disciplined by the bridle, so is my life by the tongue.
4. I would suggest that if there are other areas of your life that are undisciplined that you concentrate on the discipline of your control.
5. No man can control the tongue but Jesus. Verse 8
6. the tongue determines the direction. Verse 4
7. the use of your tongue determines your whole life. Many people have ruined their life and the lives of others by saying the wrong things.
IV. The Tongue is the Curse by which Our Life may be Jeopardized
1. Verses 5 through 12.
2. The tongue defiles our own life, verse six. You cannot throw mud without getting your hands dirty.
3. The first one to get hurt by gossip and criticism is the one doing the gossiping because it produces in you a bitter and cynical spirit.
4. It defiles you by making us inconsistent, verse 10.
5. You stand and give testimony of the grace of God, teach about God's love, sing about his saving power, then go out and gossip about someone. You are a hypocrite!
6. Also, it defiles us by making us insincere, Verse 11.
7. Here's a fountain, one day fresh water, next day bitter, your appearance is insincere.
8. The attitude that I have to tell the truth no matter who it hurts is of the devil. We need to learn the grace of keeping our mouth shut.
9. I do not trust the gossip. When they are with me, they talk about so and so. I believe that when they are with so and so they talk about me.
10. not only does it defile our own life, but it also destroys the life of others, verses 6-8
11. 3 characteristics of fire:
a. it spreads. Fastest form of communication is gossip.
b. It is also uncontrollable. You can't control what you say after you say it.
c. It does irreparable damage.
12. rule: is it true, is it necessary, is it kind!
13. Often damage is done by misleading statements.
14. I pray each of us will examine our hearts. Let God examine our hearts and deal with us about the use of the tongue.