
Summary: This sermon involves the setting up of three meals – the meal of poison , the meal of opened eyes and the meal of Grace and Salvation.

Scripture: Genesis 3:3-7; Luke 24:28-35; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26

Sermon: The Three Meals

This sermon involves the setting up of three meals – you can place the three meals on a table that is in the front of the sanctuary – all three can fit on one table – use a nice tablecloth to accept the meals. Each meal is on a plate – if possible, use plates that are earthenware – it adds to the effects as well.

1. A Meal called the Poisoned Meal – Genesis 3:3-7 – this meal refers to the meal in the Garden of Eden (you can use grapes, apples, figs or what most rabbis refer to as the fruit – Wheat – see Rabbinic teaching)

2. A Meal called the Meal of Opened Eyes – Luke 24:28-35 – bread on a plate with a cup

3. A Meal of Grace and Salvation – 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 – Holy Communion


Grace and peace from God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

How many here this morning like to go out and have a meal with your family or friends?

Most of us like eating and we like eating with other people; especially those that we enjoy sharing life.

We like birthday meals, we like intimate meals, and we like special meals like the ones we enjoy on Thanksgiving, Christmas and Thanksgiving.

The Bible is full of stories surrounding a meal. In fact, some of the greatest passages of the Bible center around a meal.

+Abraham and the Angels in Genesis 18

+The Passover Meal in Exodus 12

+Boaz and Ruth’s first meal together – Ruth 2

+Jesus feeding the 5,000 in Mark 6

+Jesus asking to share a meal with whomever will open the door and let him come in – Rev. 3

This morning, I would like for us to look at different three meals. Three meals that were some of the most important meals that ever happened. Three meals that can teach us and show us how to live a better life.

I. The Poisoned Meal – Genesis 6:3-7

The first meal we are going to look at took place in the most beautiful place ever created on God’s Good Earth. It was a place that was created by the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY Himself.

It was a place filled with all kinds of beautiful trees, plants and animals. There was even a stream that flowed through the middle of it. It was one of God’s favorite places to visit in the cool of the day.

We know that place as the Garden of Eden. If you close your eyes, you can almost see it.

+The skyline is perfect.

+ Flowers are blooming everywhere.

+There are always some types of trees that are bearing edible fruit.

+All kinds of animals and birds are just enjoying life.

+There is no decay, disease or even death.

But then one day, the Devil comes to give Mother Eve some cooking advice. The Devil tells her if she would just add one thing to her and Adam’s diet then true life would really happen for them.

This something was the very thing that the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY didn’t want them to eat at that time. They had not lived long enough and matured long enough to eat what the Devil was attempting to give them.

In time I believe God would have wanted them to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and evil. In time they would have matured enough spiritually, emotionally and mentally to handle that type of knowledge.

But at the moment, while they had a desire for it, they were not ready for it. Plus, to grab it would mean that they had to turn away from the LORD and listen to the Evil One – Satan/Devil.

We know the story. Like a small child that only wants something when they see it, Adam and Eve thought they liked how the fruit of the Tree looked and perhaps even tasted so they made a meal and ate it.

We also know how that story ended. The fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Eve wasn’t for them at that time.

Their mere eating it caused their hearts, minds and bodies to change. Instead of it bringing good into their lives it only brought pain and misery. Instead of it being able to bring life it brought death and destruction.

It has been theorized that that simple meal has brought decay, disease, and death to over 108 billion people that have lived on our planet. If there ever was a meal that could be said to be poisoned it was this meal shared by Adam and Eve.

II. Then there is a second meal – the one we read about this morning in Luke 24.

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