The Terror Of Temptations
Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jan 28, 2019 (message contributor)
Summary: Temptation- To be enticed, incited or attracted to do something wrong or a forbidden thing 1.
Temptation- To be enticed, incited or attracted to do something wrong or a forbidden thing
1. Where Do Temptations Come From - Each person is enticed by his own lusts.(James 4:1-4)
2. God may give Satan permission to tempt some of us like in the case of Job. (Job 1:12)
3. Satan may tempt anyone as he did Jesus with offers of power, prestige and positions of greatness. (Matt. 4:1-11)
4. Every person is tempted by their own desires, passions or selfish interests. (James 4)
5. Everyone can be tempted by the lusts of the flesh, the lusts of the eyes and by the boastful pride of life. (I John 2:15,16)
6. Everyone can be tempted by bad associates or friends. (Prov. 1:10)
7. Some christians can be tempted by well meaning fellow believers Temptations can come from all kinds of worries, riches or pleasures of this life.
Why Does God Allow Us to Be Tempted ? -
1. God can use temptations to develop more of a Godly character in our life.
2. God can use temptations to test the level of our maturity and obedience. God can use temptations to provide examples to others how they can overcome obstacles.
Why Does God allow Different Temptations For Every Person?
1. No temptation that comes to you is beyond your capacity to resist it. In fact temptations are universally appealing to all people, just in different forms. But God monitors the level of the intensity of each temptation so that we are able to bear up under its pressures. (I Cor. 10:13)
What Are Some of the Means Through Temptations Come?
1. Frustrations, difficulties or discouragements can tempt us to give into feelings of defeat, despair and failure.
2. Bitterness can cause us to grow resentful towards people, organizations or even our own poor choices.
3. Temptations can come from many types of worries, riches and pleasures
4. Temptations can come from within our own sinful human nature.
5. Temptations can come from any and every member of our own families.
6. Temptations can come from the devil and the powers of darkness.
7. Temptations can come from ill health
8. Temptations can come from Pharisaical oriented believes
9. Temptations can come from conflicts within our own thinking, emotions or actions
10. Temptations can come from poverty or deprivation or disease
11. Temptations can come from accomplishments, accolades or worldly thinking
What Are Some Different Types of Temptations
1. We can be tempted by anything that appeals to our human desires that are contrary to the will of God. These temptations can come in the form of unbelief, mis-beliefs, worry, jealousy, anger, wrath, slander, clamor, immorality, laziness, drunkenness, complacency, selfishness, idolatry, selfish ambition, false securities, societal pressures, family pressures, peer pressures, sexual allurements, the love of money, possessions, unbelief, immaturity, failure to grow up in all aspects into Christ, unhealthy comparisons, sins of omission, sins of commission, sins of disposition, sins of wrong assumptions. (Gal. 5:19-21)
What are Some of the Results of Temptations
1. If you give into any temptation it will eventually become your Master.
2. Obsessions of pride, relationships or personal interests
3. Giving into temptations can ruin your credibility
4. Giving into temptations disqualifies you from being an example
5. Giving into temptations disqualifies you from being promoted to higher levels of responsibility
How To Conquer Temptations
1. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. Singing and making melody in your hearts. Whatever you do in word or deed do all in the name of the Lord Jesus. (Col. 3:16)
2. Watch and pray that you do not enter into temptations. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. (Matt. 26:41)
3. Learn to use the word of God at strategic times throughout the day - especially the morning to program your thinking to have the mind of Christ. (Matth. 4:1-11)
4. Focus your attention on praising, worshipping and thanking God for all of His attributes.
5. Fix your thoughts on things above and not on things of the earth.
6. Wisely choose your friends and close associates.
7. Meditate on the scripture day and night so that you can be careful to obey all of it.
8. Draw near to the Lord through morning devotions before you do anything else.
9. Follow the faith and the lifestyle of Godly people.
10. Sit under the teaching of Godly teachers.
11. Fellowship with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.
12. Remind yourself of all the promises of God.
13. Decide that you want to be a slave of Christ rather than the temptations of this life.
14. Fix your eyes on Jesus as the author and perfector of your faith.