
The Surprising Kingdom - Palm Sunday

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Mar 4, 2024
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The Kingdom of God is full of surprises, and we should be open to receiving it in unexpected ways. This is evident in the story of Palm Sunday, where Jesus enters Jerusalem in a way that no one expected.

The Surprising Kingdom - Palm Sunday

Youth Group Plan: The Surprising Kingdom - Palm Sunday (Luke 19:28-44, Matthew 5, Matthew 6, Matthew 7)

Youth Sermon: The Surprising Kingdom - Palm Sunday


Hey guys, today is Palm Sunday, the kick-off of Holy Week, when Jesus cruised into Jerusalem on a donkey. This was a total curveball because people were expecting a different kind of king. God's Kingdom is full of surprises, and we gotta be ready for them.

God's Kingdom is full of surprises, and we gotta be ready for them.

Object Lesson

Imagine you're expecting a package. You're super excited, waiting for this huge box to arrive. But when it comes, it's this tiny little thing. You're confused, maybe even disappointed. But then you open it, and it's exactly what you wanted, just not how you expected it. That's how it was with Jesus. People were expecting this big, powerful king, but instead, they got a humble guy on a donkey. But he was exactly what they needed.

Main Teaching

Ever been surprised by where your life's headed? Ever been shocked by how God's used you and the stuff in your life? Palm Sunday is a major plot twist in the story of Jesus. Let's dive into the story and see how God's Kingdom is full of surprises.

Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem for Passover, the biggest Jewish holiday. Passover is all about remembering when God freed the Jews from slavery in Egypt. Jesus came as the sacrificial lamb, just like the prophecies said. He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, just like the prophecy said.

Jesus sent his disciples to find a donkey that no one had ever ridden. This was a sign that he was the real deal King. The disciples found the donkey and brought it to Jesus. People spread their cloaks on the road and praised God for all the amazing things they'd seen Jesus do.

Some of the religious leaders weren't cool with this and told Jesus to stop his disciples from praising him. Jesus said that even if the people were silent, the stones would shout out. The signs were all there that Jesus was the King.

As Jesus got closer to Jerusalem, he cried over the city because they didn't recognize him. They didn't know that he was the one who could bring them peace. Jesus knew that the city would face destruction because they didn't recognize when God was showing up.


Sometimes we can't see Jesus in our lives, just like the people in Jerusalem couldn't see him. We gotta be ready for the surprising ways that God shows up. God's Kingdom is full of surprises, and we gotta be ready to roll with it.

The surprising Kingdom of God can be seen in the people Jesus blesses, the process of transformation, and the plan God has for our lives. We gotta be open to the different kinds of people God brings into our lives and the ways he works on our hearts. We gotta build our lives on the solid foundation of Jesus.

Every morning, God's love and mercy are new. We gotta be ready for the surprises God has for us each day. Let's pray together and ask God to help us be ready for his surprises.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. How does the story of Palm Sunday show the surprising nature of God's Kingdom?

2. Can you share a time when God surprised you in your life?

3. How can we be more open to the surprises God has for us?

4. What are some surprising ways God might be working in our lives right now?

5. How can we help others see the surprising ways God is working in their lives?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Surprise Scavenger Hunt

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