
Summary: Ruth goes to Boaz at night and proposes marriage.

I. The Submission of Ruth

1. Ruth 3:6-7

2. Ruth obeys Naomi by faith, trusting the counsel of Naomi and Boaz.

a. Ruth was sincere in the promise she made to Naomi. Ruth 1:16-18

b. We need to be persons of our words.

c. Sincerity in promises is integrity of character. You cannot have character without integrity.

II. The Surprise of Boaz

1. Ruth 3:8

2. Life is full of surprises and rude awakenings

a. Adam woke up to discover he was married to a woman he had never seen before.

b. Jacob woke up to discover he was married to the wrong woman.

c. Samson woke up to find out that the strength he had taken for granted was now gone.

d. Boaz awakens here to find a woman at his feet. He was startled by this surprise.

3. Afraid means to shudder with terror

4. Grain, he was sleeping there to protect it.

III. The Summons of Ruth

1. Ruth 3:9-13

2. Notice these insights in the summons of Ruth

3. The request

a. 3:9

b. Who art thou?

c. The answer, “I am Ruth thine handmaid.”

1) She did not say, “Ruth the Moabitess.”

2) The answer shows a new beginning in her life.

3) Ruth has put her past behind.

4) Many have let the past still destroy them.

5) Philippians 3:13-14

d. Ruth’s answer shows humility.

e. Words spread therefore thy skirt over thine handmaid was in essence a proposal for marriage.

1) In the weddings of the Middle East, the groom would take part of his mantle or cloak and place it over the head of his bride indicating he was taking her as a wife.

2) The bible teaches that the husband is a covering and protection to his wife.

3) Ezekiel 16:8, Deuteronomy 27:20

4. The reverence for Ruth.

a. Boaz blesses Ruth for her kindness and calls her “my daughter.”

b. Ruth did not pursue the interest of the younger men, rich or poor.

5. She was attracted to the character of Boaz.

a. Ruth was a virtuous woman attracted to a virtuous man. Virtue attracts virtue.

b. The priorities of Ruth were much different than what we find today.

1) Ruth’s choice showed more spiritual than fleshly. With Boaz she could continue her family’s name.

6. The responsibility for Ruth

a. Ruth 3:11

b. Boaz gives Ruth assurance and tells her not to fear.

c. We can thank God, our assurance is not based on our feelings or circumstances, but upon God’s word. John 10:28, Hebrews 13:5

d. If we did not have God’s word, we would not have anything to anchor our life to.

7. A reminder of a relative

a. Ruth 3:12

b. Boaz reminds her that he is a qualified kinsman to redeem Ruth. Yet there was another who was a closer kinsman.

c. The other relative may have been a second reason Boaz did not approach Ruth at the start.

8. Rest in commanded

a. Ruth 3:13

b. Boaz does not want Ruth wandering through the night and commands her to rest.

1) Jesus also commands us to rest.

2) Matthew 11:28

c. Boaz demonstrated a restful attitude.

d. His counsel indicates he is leaving the matter to the Lord.

IV. The Sustenance Provided

1. Ruth 3:15

2. What Ruth got for resting was for better and much more than she got for gleaning.

a. Ruth submitted and obeyed Boaz and was greatly blessed.

b. Jesus not only assures us and accepts us, but he also assists us.

3. The action of Boaz in the verses provide interesting parallels in our relationship with the Lord.

4. Boaz gave Ruth measured barley, but afterwards she will have all of him and his inheritance without measure.

V. The Scrutiny of Naomi

1. Ruth 3:16-17

2. Boaz shows his intentions to Ruth and Naomi with the provision of food.

3. She leaves his presence full and not empty.

VI. Stillness is Commanded

1. Ruth 3:18

2. Sometimes the best thing for us is to do is just sit still and wait upon the Lord for His direction and leading.

3. Naomi knew Boaz that he would keep his word to Ruth.

4. Exodus 14:13

5. Psalm 46:10

6. Isaiah 30:7

7. Psalm 27:14

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