The Stain Of Blood Series
Contributed by Richard Mc Quinn on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: We can not view our own salvation without looking at the cost Jesus paid for us. The pages of Gods Word is filled with blood stains pointing us to Jesus
7-18-10 New Liberty Christian Church, with Pastor Rich McQuinn
TEXT: HEBREWS 9: 19-22
When Moses had proclaimed every commandment of the law to all the people, he took the blood of the calves, together with water, scarlet wool and branches of hyssop, and sprinkled the scroll and all the people. He said “This is the blood of the covenant, which God has commanded you to keep. In the same way, he sprinkled with the blood both the tabernacle and everything used in its ceremonies. If fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood and without the shedding of blood there is no
The law requires that everything be cleansed with the blood and if not there is no forgiveness of sins………
In the book of Joshua, chapter 7, the writer speaks about a battle. We refer to it as the Battle of A I. There was a city in Bible times named A I.
A well known archeologist was speaking at the University of Illinois some years ago and giving an outstanding defense on the Word of God. He told over 10,000 folks who came to hear him speak that he thought more of the Bible and its content than he did before the University sent him to the biblical geographical settings. His search was for the Joshua city of A I. People said it did not exist. After several thousands of years, this man thought sure he was in the area of this great city. He studied and studied his maps and finally got out his personal Bible and read. He read in the book Joshua and knew pretty well where to find the city, from Joshua’s description. It was right where the scriptures told him to dig
After the speech was over, a man in his 60’s came forward and proclaimed to the great archeologist that the book he was holding was greater than the book the speaker had in his hands. You see, the man in the audience presented a Bible---dirty, dusty, water stains, tattered, but it had blood stains all over it. The blood stains were from the son of the man in the audience. He had been killed by a road side bombing and it was the son’s blood that covered the Bible that had been tucked down in the uniform of this young US Marine.
The archeologist and the gentleman talked for a while and then the man said to the father----“I hold in my hand the Son of Gods blood stained pages. It is the blood of His Son that died for you and me that cover this book”.
When is the last time you faced God and thanked Him for saving your soul, through the blood stains of Jesus the Christ?
When you open the pages of Genesis you will first see blood stains. It is like a thread that runs through every page of the Bible. It does not leave. It starts out with the blood stains of sin and runs through the last pages of Revelation. It does not go away.
There is a company in England that manufactures rope. The rope is used in the British Navy. The company is one of the largest rope manufacturing in the world. It makes them to supply the world, small cords to the giant ropes used in hauling great ships. Years ago they decided to put one red thread through the entire rope no matter what shape or size. This way everyone will know where this rope was made. It became their mark!
The book I hold in my hand is the Bible. I have the Promise Keepers addition using NIV as the translation. Through every book, through every chapter, through every page is found the scarlet thread----the stain of blood. In all 66 books of the Bible we find the love of God given to us through the blood of the Lamb.
Don’t forget ever---That without the shedding of blood there is no remission of Sins.
Gently this morning I am going to point out to you the theme of the Bible and I will do it in just two sections. Oddly enough the Bible is divided into two sections:
Even in the opening pages of God’s Word, we see the same theme in all 39 books of the Old Testament. Sin, Sacrifice, and Forgiveness.
When SIN entered the Garden of Eden, the eyes of Adam and Eve were opened to their nakedness. They immediately began to make their own way out of the situation they were caught in. They disobeyed the command of their creator. They even lied about it! They tried to hide from their sin. Ever tried to do that? It can’t be done. What ever you do in the darkness it will be revealed in the light. You can never escape.