The Spirit Who Intercedes Series
Contributed by Rick Burdette on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Prayer, rescue, knowledge
Romans 8: 26-27 (p800) February 17, 2013
Anyone here ever have to depend on someone else for something? I know that’s almost a rhetorical question, because all of us have!
But think about a time where you were sick…or injured…or had just gone through surgery… (I’ve got a bunch of those memories in my internal filing systems)
The time I remember being physically the weakest was before my back fusion surgery…I’d taken epidural shots for 3 years, they’d helped for a while, and then they stopped helping…I spent a week in the Old Methodist Hospital having spasms and intense pain…the only option I had back then was surgery…but I couldn’t walk, couldn’t sit, couldn’t stand…if I wanted to get somewhere I tried to crawl…
If I wanted to let someone had to fix it or get it for me… If I wanted coffee the same thing, if I needed a book, across the room I needed help to retrieve it…It was the one time in my stubborn, self sufficient life that I could not do what I wanted to do without someone helping me…
I think of what time in my life when I consider our text today and the disruption the Apostle Paul gives of the Holy spirit…it even starts out…
“In the same way, the Holy spirit helps us in our weakness.”
Last week we talked about suffering ...and what it has to do with our glorious inheritance…this world is decaying…it sinful…our bodies are temporary like “jars of clay”…Because those things are true, life will bring its share of troubles, scars, and trials….Jesus clothed himself with the same temporary flesh, so he truly understands…
And there is also suffering because you are a servant of Christ…your step into the world, you lift up the middle rope and enter the ring as a spirit-led child God, by intentionally doing this…it’s not if you get hit…its when…
This truth…it’s the inescapable reality….it’s what causes the born again Spirit filled follower of Jesus to hope for a future glory…Those of us who seek to live Christ-directed lives long for a face to face meeting….”we wait eagerly for our adoption as Sons…the redemption of our bodies for in this hope we were saved, but hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has. But if we hope for what we do not have, we wait for it patiently. (v 24, 25)
And just as I depended on Kari to be my helper during the weakest times in my life….Paul says…in the same way!
There are several words that jump out in that sentence…but the two that hit me are…”VS” and “OUR”
The Apostle Paul creates a “team”, if you will in this sentence…On the back of our uniforms’ names it’s… “Heirs”…it’s also on the back of Paul’s uniform…in fact its written on the back of every individual who has answered the call of God to be born again, to die to self, to be resurrected by the Spirit of life…He signs the contract…it’s official…Jesus is our coach, but Paul, Rick, Jeff, Josh…you face this opponent together…It’s not “I” it’s not “me” it’s not “Mine”…its “US” It’s “OUR”
You remember verses 16? 17? “The spirit testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children…Now if we are children then we are heirs – heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ…
And then that suffering thing came up…Even creation itself groaning like a woman in the pains of childbirth…hoping…waiting…for redemption…weakness…It reminds us of our inability….its humbling because it lets us know you can’t do it all…you need someone else….
[I knew this kid who had feet and legs so crooked he had to wear special shoes attached to braces as he learned to walk…He was cross-eyed and had special glasses to help correct the astigmatism. He constantly had his family to the emergency room….He ate paint one time, got hit in the lead with a shovel in boy scouts…smacked his head on the side of the pool while diving…not once, but twice, he put the handbrake level through his side while riding a mini bike almost 100 stitches, missed his lung by less than a inch…He was burned over 50% with 3rd degree burns…He broke his hip when he was 18….both knees have been surgically repaired…he had a heart attack when he was 34. After years of Epidurals to relieve the back spasms and pain that left him almost an invalid, he had his spine fused…at 42 last year after they discovered he needed another knee surgery….the discovered that all of the major arteries in his heart were so blocked they were almost severed they put in 3 stints. He has a coronary pinched nerve in his hip and continual sciatic nerve issues from his spine…