
Summary: Message 42 in our journey through John's gospel. This message focuses on the convicting ministry of the Holy Spirit in regard to the world.

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Alliance Church Pastor David Welch

“The Spirit and the World” John 16:7-15

I. Public Teaching and Ministry of Jesus 2-12

II. Private Teaching and Ministry of Jesus 13-17

A. Forgive as Jesus forgives

B. Love as Jesus loves

C. Practice pertinent truths that soothe the troubled soul 14:1-31

D. Stay connected to the True Vine to bear lasting fruit 15: 1-8

E. Receive and reciprocate God’s love

F. Deal wisely with the World

1. Understand the nature of the “world”

2. Understand the various relationships with the world

a) The World toward Jesus

b) The World toward us

c) Jesus toward the world

d) Us toward the World

e) The Holy Spirit and the World John 16:7-11

Jesus outlines the ministry or work of the Holy Spirit with regard to the world. Jesus instructs his followers not to fret about the hostile world, because when the Holy Spirit comes he will do the necessary work regarding the world. The Holy Spirit communicates three basic truths to those in the world.

He brings believers into all truth. The Holy Spirit will stick to three basic points when dealing with the world that we would do well to follow in our conversation with others. They are stated here and expanded in the next three verses. Sin, righteousness, judgment.

The Word translated convict.

"CONVICT” a legal term at the bar of justice is defined and fixed. The Holy Spirit does not merely accuse men of sin; he brings them to an inescapable sense of guilt so that they realize their shame and helplessness before God. The Holy Spirit will act as divine prosecutor regarding guilt regarding the follow three factors. Out of all the theological and moral issues to argue with the world, there are only three issues that count in regard to the world’s guilt before God. These are the factors that the Holy Spirit uses to refute the philosophies protected and perpetuated by the devil-directed world system. I believe that at sometime in every person’s life, the Holy Spirit causes one to realize the truth of these three things and provides an opportunity to respond. On the basis of these factors the Holy Spirit either brings one to repentance or confirms their condemnation before God. Every person born into this world must make one of two choices.

1) Harden their heart to what they have heard.

2) Repent and turn to God


John 16:9 "concerning sin, because they do not believe in Me;"

The Holy Spirit focuses on the issue of SIN. It is the world sin (singular) not sins (plural). The Holy Spirit convicts of the principle of sin not the results of sins. Sin is the problem sins are the consequence. The fundamental issue regarding sin is unbelief; a refusal to trust God. The foundation of sin is unbelief therefore the Holy Spirit convicts of sin because or “inasmuch as” they do not believe in Him. The natural consequence of unbelief is behavior that violates God’s way of doing things. We were born as children of wrath because we lived according to the course of this world, (which is hostile to God) and can do nothing of ourselves to immigrate to the heavenly kingdom or escape his wrath for being citizens of the worldly kingdom.

Restored faith in God and in Jesus is the only remedy for SIN. Hebrews 9:22ff

There is no other means to God but through the means God has directed.

To reject Jesus is to reject pardon for sin against God.

To reject Jesus is to refuse the only way to God.

To reject Jesus is to stand before God accountable for your own sin.

Whether we think we have sinned or not is not the question.

The issue is how God sees it. He emphatically states how He feels in Romans 3:10-23

The sin of the world is to reject Jesus and the Father who sent Him. Many try to convince the world they are sinners on the basis of deeds. The foundational issue is that people have rejected God and the proof of that is that they don’t do what he said and do what he said not to do. The world walks around with a hidden terminal disease called sin that may or may not have obvious external symptoms. It is terminal nonetheless and the Holy Spirit came to demonstrate that fact. The Holy Spirit came to convict a world hostile to Jesus that He is the only remedy for their rebellion against God.

"I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. John 14:3

Acts 4:12 ""And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men, by which we must be saved.""

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