The Song Of Protection Series
Contributed by David Dewitt on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: God gives us the power of his protection through life
Song of Protection
Psalm 91
September 21, 1997
Evening Service
I. Basic Background
A. Authorship: Anonymous author, Psalm of trust in God and His protection, author is most likely a leader in a time of great trial, place of trust in His King, situation seems to be one of great and grave danger, both personal and corporate, some traditions claim David as author - doubtful,
B. Linguistic Patterns: This is two separate Psalms in one, 1st - Psalm of Wisdom: pursuit of the path of Godliness, 2nd - Psalm of Oracle: prediction of coming salvation, specific pattern - ABABC, repeats two key themes with distinct ending,
II. Invitation to Protection
A. The person of God: Open to any and all, anyone who calls and accepts God will gain protection, these people will walk in wisdom with God, Names - Elyon: Most high, Sadday: Almighty, LORD: Yahweh - personal name of God, elohay: my God, know who will grant the protection and peace,
B. The protection of God: Two key concepts of protection, 1st- shelter: a hiding and protecting, shadow - presence and guidance, like the protection that a bird gives its young, 2nd- Refuge: place of sanctuary, fortress: place of security and protection, two sets of images = the care of the bird and the protection of the fortress, God is loving and powerful in His protection
C. The people protected: Applies to the godly, those who walk the way of wisdom, godly have the promise of divine protection, 2nd invitation to enter protection, focus on dwelling and refuge - place of full protection
D. The promise of protection: People will dwell with God, full presence, He stays through the hardships of life, this then brings peace in trouble, refuge- signals full protection and full support, they are protected from harm and disaster, bad things still happen because this is a fallen world, God will always be with us
III. Forms of Protection
A. The love and power of protection: Loving care of the bird, watches for the snares, keeps in the fold of the wings, total involvement and total care, powerful care of the refuge, rampart and shield - power and sufficient protection, God’s protection is loving and sufficient
B. The presence and scope of protection: Day & night - temporal consistency, natural & supernatural - power over the heavens and the earth, all powerful protection, No reason to fear - God is in control, Fear of God must be primary, He is ruler of everything, God will always protect His people, No limit to His care because He has full authority,
C. The condition of protection: God protects His own = those who will accept Him as LORD and God, God will command His angels, angel - angelos: messenger, angels are God’s person messengers and protectors, God fully protects, bad things will still happen but nothing is beyond His control,
D. Source of encouragement: God will protect and punish, God is on the side of the faithful, all powerful over the universe, He is the divine warrior,
IV. Promise of Salvation
A. Relationship brings protection: God rescues His people, genuine faith with genuine love est. relationship, promise to protect, God loves His people and they love Him, building a relationship, takes work and time, people must trust in God
B. Promise of communion: God will come in times of need, God will deliver His people, God is an active presence with His people, promise to fully save
I. Invitation to Protection
A. The person of God: Open to any and all, anyone who calls and accepts God will gain protection, those who follow will walk in wisdom with God, we know who will grant the protection and peace,
B. The protection of God: God is our shelter: a hiding and protecting, shadow - presence and guidance, like the protection that a bird gives its young, God is our Refuge: place of sanctuary, fortress: place of security and protection, God is loving and powerful in His protection
C. The people protected: We have the promise of divine protection, 2nd invitation to enter protection, focus on dwelling and refuge - place of full protection
D. The promise of protection: We must dwell with God, full presence, He stays through the hardships of life, this then brings peace in trouble, refuge- signals full protection and full support, they are protected from harm and disaster, bad things still happen because this is a fallen world, God will always be with us
II. Forms of Protection
A. The love and power of protection: Loving care of the bird, watches for the snares, keeps in the fold of the wings, total involvement and total care, powerful care of the refuge, rampart and shield - power and sufficient protection, God’s protection is loving and sufficient