The Sin Of Worry
Contributed by Jeff Taylor on Mar 7, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: This sermon is tailor made by the word of God for every person here today. I'm going to say this several times today, worry is, in fact, practical atheism.
This sermon is tailor made by the word of God for every person here today. Stop worrying and start living. How many of you have a Ph.D. In worry? Worry is like a rocking chair. It'll give you something to do, but it will accomplish absolutely nothing.
I'm going to say this several times today, worry is, in fact, practical atheism. You really don't believe God can come through in this moment to protect you, to provide for you, to heal your body, to deliver you, how to set you free from the addictions that are destroying you, how to break the chains of misery and habit that have enslaved you or the members of your family. From the word of God today, I'm going to prove that God is absolutely in control of planet earth. And he can be absolutely in control of your life if you'll let him. He will not demand to override your freewill.
But if you give Him the opportunity, He will make a way where there seems to be no way. And He will scatter your enemies like the shucks of the summer threshing floor, because our God is an awesome God. He is Almighty. He is all knowing. This sermon is a penicillin shot for worry addicts. Roll up your sleeve: the Great Physician is in the house. Philippians 4:6-7, ready? "Be anxious for nothing. But in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds through Jesus Christ". Read the first four words, "Be anxious for nothing".
Father, thank you for the word of God. Let it be a light unto our feet: that we may leave this place transformed by the truth that heaven has given mankind. In your precious name, we pray and ask it. And all of God's children said, amen.
Let me give you proof out of the Bible that God's in control of planet earth. Consider the flood of Noah in which God is judge of all the earth, proved to humanity that he was the Creator and was controlling specifically and exactly what happened on what day. Genesis 7:11, "In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, and in the seventeenth day of the month, on that exact day, all of the fountains of the deep were opened up and the windows of heaven were opened". That was caused by the hand of the God Who created this earth. Water was gushing out of the ground, and raining, because God was punishing Noah's generation because they turned their back on Him.
I'll just take a moment to say to America, we are running God out of our society. We are throwing God out of our schools. Many churches are throwing God out of their pulpits and preaching anything but the truth of the Bible that God has given us. If this nation is to long endure, we must embrace the God of Heaven, embrace His commandments, embrace the Word of God, and live by them: or otherwise, we will lose this country! May the Lord help us to have a spiritual awakening that brings us back to the heart of God! It happened on an exact year, exact month, an exact day. On creation's morning, an all-powerful God flung the glittering stars against the velvet of the night. Why? They were to become celestial evangelists to every nation on the earth: that there is a greatness and grandeur that they do not understand that is the majestic hand of God.
An all-knowing, all-powerful, omnipotent God calls the stars by name. We can't even locate them with the massive telescopes we have. But God calls them by name. He holds the seven seas in the palm of His hand. He measures space with his fingertips. He weighs the mountains in a scale and the hills in a balance. The God that we serve has total control. He said, "Let there be light," and in that moment of time, darkness was shattered and conquered forever. His Son, Jesus Christ, walked upon the raging sea of the Sea of Galilee, and he held the winds in his fist, and said, "Peace, be still". That's control. That God is in control of planet earth, not the United Nations, not the European Union, not the tyrants and the dictators in New York, not the power-hungry politicians in Washington, not the fake news frauds that are tearing up this country. But our Father, which art in heaven, he is in charge of this nation! God is in charge of your life, if you'll let Him.
Hear again that God made you a free moral agent. And you have the right not to believe in Him. But He also has the right to judge you for not believing in Him. Don't ever believe that you're going to thumb your nose at God and get away with it. That is a stupid theology being put out in the universities of America. He's not a doting grandfather sitting benignly in the heavens. He is an all-mighty, all-powerful God that created Heaven and Earth. This is my Father's world. Is your life in a state of chaos and confusion? Are you stressed and depressed? Is your life constantly difficult with unending disappointments? Have you given up hope and embracer anger and anxiety? Hear the words of the text, "Be anxious for nothing". Say that with me. "Be anxious for nothing".