The Shining Face Of God
Contributed by Gordon Curley on Jun 13, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: 'The Shining Face of God' - Psalm 67 - sermon by Gordon Curley. (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email: gcurley@gcurley.info)
(1). Because the World Needs Light (vs 1-2).
(2). Because the World Needs Joy (vs 3-4).
(3). Because the World Needs Life (vs 5-7).
• Coca-Cola is one product that has far outgrown its humble beginnings.
• In 1886, Dr John Pemberton first introduced Coca-Cola in Atlanta, Georgia.
• The pharmacist concocted a caramel-coloured syrup.
• In a three-legged brass kettle in his backyard.
• He first distributed Coca-Cola by carrying it in a jug down the street to Jacobs Pharmacy.
• Where it was sold believe it or not as a brain tonic.
• After little more than 100 years,
• Surveys show that 97% of the world has heard of Coca-Cola.
• 72% of the world has seen a can of Coca-Cola.
• 51% of the world has tasted Coca-Cola.
• All due to the fact that the company made a commitment year ago.
• That every-one on the planet would have a taste of their soft drink
• As Christians we need to stand up and take note here.
• 97% of the world has heard of this sugar and water concoction.
• While 1.2 billion people world-wide have no access to the good news of Jesus Christ!
• While it is great, we are here this morning,
• The vast majority of people in this area may never enter our buildings!
• Note: The motto of Coca-Cola, posted in the company's headquarters, simply says:
TRANSITION: This Psalm is a call to mission:
• i.e., vs 2 (NIV): “All nations”.
• TLB: “for all mankind.”
• i.e., vs 4 (NIV): “The nations of the earth.”
• YLT: “Peoples on earth.”
• i.e., vs 7 (NIV): “Ends of the earth”.
• TLB: “peoples from remotest lands “
• Most Sunday afternoons/evenings I head up the M3 to Hyde Park.
• Speakers' Corner is a traditional site for open-air public speaking, debate.
• It attracts the religious, the political, the weird and wonderful,
• Even the Flat Earth Society, who have members all around the globe!!!
• I love the fact that although I cannot physically go to the whole world,
• At Speakers Corner the whole world comes to me!
• People there Saudi Arabia to South America!
“Everybody is either a missionary or a mission field.”
Quote: I like the words of John Wesley.
"All the world is my parish.".
• My emphasis may be Duncan Road Church and the wider area of Hampshire,
• Your emphasis may be this Church and your local community,
• But if we are to be biblical,
• We must always think world!
Question: Why do we need to be missionaries (mission starts at home)?
Answer: According to this psalm is threefold:
(1). Because the World Needs Light (vs 1-2).
“May God be gracious to us and bless us
and make his face SHINE on us
2 so that your ways may be known on earth,
your salvation among all nations.”
• If those words sound familiar, you are right,
• They are part of one of the most best-known prayers/benedictions in the Bible.
• It is an echo or a paraphrase of the words of Moses,
• The priestly benediction of Numbers chapter 6 verses 24-26.
• That blessing crops up again and again in the Psalms – at least six times,
• (Psalm 31 verse 16, Psalm 80 verses 3, 7, 19, Psalm 119 verse 135)
• According to verse 1:
• The light of God is demonstrated in three ways:
• Sometimes in life we experience grace.
• That is, we get what we don’t deserve.
• I remember once getting in a coffee shop enjoying a mug of black nectar.
• When I suddenly realised my car which was parked in a car park.
• The ticket had just run out.
• Tough choice, finish my mug of fresh coffee.
• Or try to get to the car before a traffic warden discovers it.
• I ran towards the car and get there with a traffic warden standing next to the car.
• I said, “Please don’t give me a ticket, I am only a few minutes late!”
• The warden replied, “You are late, but we allow a 10-minute grace period.”
• Now had I asked the warden, “Great, but what is grace?”
• She probably would have said:
• “I guess what it means is that even though you’re supposed to pay,
• You don’t have to.”
• TRANSITION: Now that would be a good definition of grace.
• God gives to us that we don’t deserve, and he fits the bill!