The Seven Beauties Of New Jerusalem
Contributed by Rodelio Mallari on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Listen to this astonishing advertisement: FREE! Beautiful Mansions located in a Perfect Golden City with: FREE 100% Pure Clear Water, Permanent Lighting, No Water and Electric Bills, Flawless Roads, Perfect Climate, Immunity from Accidents, Beautiful Musi
Intro: Listen to this astonishing advertisement: FREE! Beautiful Mansions located in a Perfect Golden City with: FREE 100% Pure Clear Water, Permanent Lighting, No Water and Electric Bills, Flawless Roads, Perfect Climate, Immunity from Accidents, Beautiful Music, Free Transportation, Everything New, No Taxes, No Extra Expenses Whatsoever...Get A Contract Today!
Perhaps you know that I am referring to – our eternal home! (Explain Text esp. v.2). My message is about the Heavenly City (New Jerusalem), a place of perfect peace, rest, joy and beauty; a place prepared by God Himself for you to enjoy in eternity. Let’s now take a glimpse at the Seven Beauties of New Jerusalem –
1. The Beauty of Its Reality (John 14:2; Rev. 21:10-11,18)
This is what the Spirit revealed to the Apostle John about heaven as recorded in the Book of Revelation, it is: not made with human hands; never wears out; inhabitants too vast to number; streets of gold; walls of jasper; NO – hospitals, cemeteries, jails, or mental institutions; NO – pollution, calamities, sin or crime!
2. The Beauty of Its Environment (I Cor. 2:9; Rev. 22:3)
A place of incomparable beauty. A place of purity and holiness. It’s a place without sin, and therefore without sin’s consequences: war, hatred, crime, disease, and punishment. A place without sorrow or sadness, curse or death—only perpetual joy and rest!
3. The Beauty of Its Residents (Heb. 12:22; Rev. 7:9)
There will be angels, seraphim, cherubim—those holy, shining, singing ministering spirits, worshiping the Lamb before His throne. Blood-bought NT saints will live forever in New Jerusalem. The Lord’s redeemed like the faithful apostles, evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and martyrs will dwell there. It is estimated that more than 75 million were put to death for Jesus’ sake in the last 2000 years. This great host will be near the throne of God in the holy city. Even our Christian loved ones—friends, family, pastors and workers who taught us God’s truth will be there. But as great as all this is—the beauty, the deathless, painless atmosphere, the reunion with loved ones—nothing will compare with the joy of meeting JESUS! Why? Because as the hymn writer wrote: Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe, Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow! Heaven is incomplete without Jesus!
4. The Beauty of Its Interest in Sinners (Luke 15:10)
God the Father sent Jesus to us. Jesus came to die for us—to take our punishment so we could enter heaven blameless and unspotted by sin. The Holy Spirit causes us to long for heaven. He convicts, woos and even gives us a foretaste of heaven by allowing us to experience the abundant life. Even the angelic host is interested in man’s salvation (I Pet. 1:12). It has been said that a man may go to heaven without wealth, fame, or a great name; he may go without learning, a big earning, culture, beauty, or friends. He may go without 10,000 other earthly things. But he can never go to heaven without the Lord Jesus! (John 14:6)
5. The Beauty of Its Inspiration to Christians (Col. 3:2)
If you read history you will find that the Christians who did great things to society and contributed much on earth were those who were serious about heaven! Brethren, may we be inspired to live godly lives and work for the glory of God so that many souls will be interested in the Gospel. May people see our love for God, the brethren and the things of God, so that they may want to have what we have (Matt. 6:19-20 cf. Rev. 14:13).
6. The Beauty Its Openness to Immigration (Eph. 2:18)
You can’t get in with ordinary naturalization papers or other man-made means! You must come by way of the Gospel – the death, burial and resurrection of Christ (I Pet. 3:18). The way of the Gospel leads to the Christian’s eternal home. Neither Peter nor any of the so-called patron saints will meet us at the city gate, the Lord Jesus will! And when He asks the question, “Why should I let you into heaven,” we had better have the right answer!
7. The Beauty of Its Condition for Citizenship (Rev. 22:17)
Amazingly, New Jerusalem is open for all people regardless of age, gender, standing, position, creed, race, and nation. There are four conditions for heavenly citizenship: (a) Agree with God’s word and admit that you are a sinner; (b) Repent and confess your sins; (c) Believe from your heart that Jesus personally died on the cross and shed His precious blood for you; (b) Implore God that you need forgiveness and plead Christ to save your soul.
Conclusion: Behold now is the day of salvation. You can receive God’s free gift of salvation. God already did all He must do, the choice and decision is now yours. Where will you spend eternity?