
Summary: This sermon is about Stewardship and the giving of Tithes and Offerings.

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The Sermon That Nobody Wants to Hear

By Pastor Jim

The story is told of a pastor who phoned the home of some recent visitors to his church, and a voice answered very softly and quietly, "Hello?". The pastor said, "Who is this?" There was a whisper on the other end, as the voice said, "This is Jimmy." The pastor said, "How old are you, Jimmy?" He said, "I’m four years old." "Jimmy, may I please speak to your Mother?" "No, not right now; she’s very busy." "Well then can I speak to your Dad?" "No, he’s really busy, too.”

The pastor, wondering why this little boy was taking the calls began to get concerned that perhaps he really home alone, so he asked, "Are there any other adults at your house?” "Yes, the police.” The pastor was really worried now. Was this little boy in trouble? Did something happen to his parents? What could be going on? So he asked, "Well, Jimmy, could I speak to one of the police officers?” "No, they’re all very busy too.”

The pastor just knew that some terrible tragedy had struck the hope of this new family and he just had to find out what had happened so he asked, "Jimmy, anybody else there?” "Oh yes, a lot of firemen are here with their big red fire truck.” "Jimmy, could you please ask one of the firemen to come to the phone?” "I can’t; they’re too busy."

Finally, in exasperation the pastor asked, "Jimmy, what’s happening? What are they all busy doing?" The little whispering voice came back and said proudly, “They’re all looking for me. I’m playing hide and seek, and I’m winning; Bye."

Some Christians are just like little Jimmy. They’re hiding out, hoping that no one will be able to find them, and they think that they are safe because no one really knows them as they really are. They try to live by flying under the radar, hoping that even God won’t know what they are doing; or better, what they are not doing.

Nothing in the church causes someone to hide from the truth anymore than a sermon like I feel led to give you this morning. Today, the Lord and His Word have a message for us that some of us would just as soon never heard. We’ve tried to ignore this part of God’s Word and sometimes even downright denied it was even there. Even though we all believe that God’s Word is truth, and that we need to live by every part of that Word, there are a few things that we just wish weren’t there and find it hard to accept.

This is one message that is liable to hit you where it hurts the most. No, it’s not in your face; nor is it in your head; its right smack in the middle of your pocketbook, and the pain will travel from your pocket book to your head first of all; and then it will reverse course in a little while and hit you right in your heart. I believe that the Holy Spirit and the Word of God desire to speak to each of us this morning concerning the subject of being a faithful and good steward in the House of God.

I know that this is an unpopular subject for many people so if you don’t want to take a chance on being struck by the Word of God and brought under conviction, then you might just want to tune me out for the next 30-45 minutes. Go right ahead and do that but don’t forget that you are tuning out the Word of God too. The only problem is that you can tune me out, but you will not be able to tune Jesus out on the day you stand before Him in judgment. Whatever excuses we use now had better be really good to stand up in the court of God’s Law.

For me, as your Pastor, it is very hard to speak to you concerning the issue of stewardship, especially when it comes to your habits of giving in offerings and paying in tithes. I don’t mind bringing up the stewardship of your time and talents because so many people figure that they are already giving their fair share of those things. But to speak of finances; well that’s a horse of a different color.

First of all, let me say that I consider it a very great privilege to be a part of God’s family and His church, and that serving the Lord brings the greatest joy that anyone could experience. In the same fashion it is a great honor to be among the chosen few. It’s a wonderful thing to be called and anointed by God and to have the wonderful privilege of knowing the Son of God, Jesus Christ, as my Lord and Savior. The presence of God and the gifts of God in my life are just marvelous. He has opened the spout where the glory comes out and I believe that He has put Myself, and all of you, and this church right where those glories land. We are a people who are so very blessed of God.

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