
Summary: We are still waiting for our Groom to arrive.

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The Secret of Inheritance

August 29, 2010 (PM)


A If you were engaged to be married, but never actually got married, how satisfied would you be?

1 Engagement is exciting, anticipation is palpable, excited to spend your life with your beloved.

a How long would that excitement last if you never set a wedding date, or that day never arrived?

2 Would be burdensome after awhile with no wedding.

a Not engaged to be engaged, but engaged to marry.

b Ring: calls all her friends over-shines, glimmers, isn’t it beautiful!

aa Ring! Now guaranteed to be together.

bb Her joy almost borderlines obsession...showing ring, talking about fiance...let her talk.

B Several months, years marriage, no bridegroom.

1 The ring catches the sun, lights up her room-she weeps.

a What good is this thing without a wedding?

b Remembers when she first got it-now nothing.

2 The groom hasn’t come back.

a Looks foolish to the groom’s friends, family

b Feels deceived, but the ring shows His real intentions.

aa Empty, confused

bb What good is a ring with no wedding?

c Remember joy, bragging, announcement...yet the union goes unfilled, almost embarrassed.

C A lawyer from a far-off land comes to give you the news that a wealthy uncle has passed away, & he’s left you the bulk of his estate.

1 Nuts! Then he takes out more money than you’ve ever seen (didn’t know they made such large bills).

a Attorney said, “Down payment, confirms the rest is coming.”

b The lawyer leaves, sticks his head back in. “Remember, this is the down payment. The full inheritance is to follow.”

2 You’re excited! You’ve always worked so hard!

a Friends let you enjoy it as you tell the same story (brag) 100 times.

b Start spending...more is coming...what you have now is NOT more than you can spend.

aa Not just your family, but others

bb Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. Freely you received, freely give. Matt 10:8 (NASB)

3 The rest of the inheritance hasn’t arrived yet.

a Try calling lawyer (no answer), doesn’t return your calls-you don’t understand how such a down payment would be made with no further installations.

b There’s a knock on your door-it’s a messenger from the attorney:

aa Dear Sir: It has come to my attention that you have been calling my office repeatedly. I am sure I made it clear that the full inheritance will come. I even left you a down payment. Please let this matter be settled. The inheritance is yours. As to its delivery date, I shall follow the directions given in the will. Upon your death, I am to deliver the remainder of the inheritance to your home. -End telegram-

I We have made excuses over the last 2,000 years because the groom has not arrived, we have not received the full inheritance.

A Now, we believe all our joy is “someday over there”.

1 All we can do is hold to grace. His grace is enough.

a We’ve been given unspeakable power, authority...yet we live in defeat & depression: “We’ll understand it better by & by.”

b In some people’s theology, grace is about all they have.

aa Ring, down payment of inheritance (Holy Spirit)

bb Long for more, want more

2 How crazy is it to think you have to die to receive an inheritance?

a Jesus died so we could receive our inheritance now!

b Through His death/burial, He has passed the inheritance on.

c For 2,000 years, saints have been dying to receive their inheritance.

B In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation—having also believed , you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise,14 who is given as a pledge of our inheritance, with a view to the redemption of God's own possession, to the praise of His glory. Eph 1:13-14 (NASB)

1 Your inheritance is for the here & now.

a Jesus’ main focus of His Kingdom was this life.

b Jesus talked more about money, hell, than heaven.

c Jesus’ lordship is for now!

aa If we push His purpose/promises into the spiritual future, we can push off our responsibility.

bb I don’t have to have a good game until later!

2 God is looking for men/women/students who would say “yes” to His purpose & promises for your generation.

C "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.29 "Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and You will find rest for your souls.30 "For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Matt 11:28-30 (NASB)

1 Jesus is inviting us into His private chamber, Most Holy Place.

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