
Summary: Based on Exodus 20:8-11 - Encourages hearers to realize how much God values rest for His children.

“THE SABBATH” Ex. 20:8-11

FBCF – 6/25/22

Jon Daniels

INTRO – The US has embassies all around the world in other countries. Represents your home in a foreign land. The rules & laws of your home nation apply inside the walls of the embassy.

You & I are living in a foreign land. We are “aliens & strangers in this world” (1 Peter 2:11). The reason that the world rails & rages against us so strongly is because we live by the laws & commands of another world.

- The commands of God are absolutes. The world says, “There are no absolutes.”

- The commands of God are unchanging. The world says, “I can change anything I want to suit my wants & desires.”

- The commands of God are perfect. The world says, “There is nothing perfect.”

- The commands of God are spoken by the one true living God. The world says, “There is no God.” Or “I’m my own god.”

- The commands of God give distinct, clear directions for our lives. The world says, “I will make it up as I go along.”

EXPLANATION – Exodus 20:8-11


- VBS a few wks ago. Lots of folks need rest after that week!

- Naps in kindergarten – Seemed like a bad idea then when we were kids – GREAT idea now!

SABBATH – God is serious about REST! - From Genesis to Revelation.

- HE rested - Genesis 2:2-3 - Gave commandment for us to rest - Exodus 20:8-11

- Spoke through prophet Isaiah & connected repentance & rest to salvation.

o Isaiah 30:15 – “This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel says: ‘In repentance & rest is your salvation…’” (NIV84)

- Spoke through prophet Jeremiah & said that we will find rest when we walk in obedience.

o Jeremiah 6:16 – “This is what the Lord says: ‘Stand at the crossroads & look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, & walk in it, & you will find rest for your souls…” (NIV84).

- Probably many people’s favorite verse on rest was spoken by Jesus in Matthew 11:28 – “Come to me, all you who are weary & burdened, & I will give you rest” (NIV84).

- And in the book of Revelation, final, perfect, complete rest is promised for every Christ-follower. What a wonderful blessing of salvation to look forward to!

o Revelation 14:13 – “And I heard a voice from heaven saying, ‘Write this down: Blessed are those who die in the Lord from now on.’ ‘Yes,’ says the Spirit, ‘they are blessed indeed, for they will rest from their hard work; for their good deeds follow them!’” NLT)

So, don’t go to sleep on me just yet. Or wake up if you’ve already gone to sleep! And let’s contemplate REST – BIBLICAL rest! What does it take to truly REST the way God wants us to rest.

APPLICATION – As children of God, we can rest in Him in faith throughout our entire lives.


R – REMEMBER – A lot of times, when we think about rest, we think about physical rest. And that’s definitely important. But what most of us need is MENTAL rest! We need to rest our minds!

Our minds are the main battlefield where we face the attacks of Satan.

- Can’t stop our thoughts

- Can’t sleep b/c our mind won’t shut down

- Can’t stop worrying – Can’t stop being anxious – Can’t shut down the angry thoughts, bitter thoughts, lustful thoughts, envious & jealous thoughts.

How do we win this battle for our minds? REMEMBER!

- Remember the promises of God

- Remember the past exploits of God

- Remember the power of God

- Rehearse (another “R” word) them over & over in your mind – The Psalms are AWESOME to help w/ this!

Strong case for Scripture memory

Remember who God is, what He’s said, what He’s done, what He’s doing right now on your behalf, & what He’s going to do!

E – EXPECT – Expect God to move. Expect Him to act. Expect Him to respond to your cries, your prayers

Jeremiah 33:3

S – STAY – Memory verse from a few months ago – Isaiah 26:3 – “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is STAYED on you, b/c he trusts in you.” Love that word “STAYED”!

Hear God our Father saying to us, “Stay there! Don’t move! I’ve got you! You’re safe!” There’s peace when we STAY our mind on Him. There’s rest when we TRUST in Him.

A NT verse that carries that same truth is Colossians 3:2 – “SET your mind on things above, not on things that are on earth.”

- “SET” – Reminds me of concrete setting up. Before it sets, it’s loose, liquid, not solid, not really useful. But once it’s set, it’s permanent – hard – stable – useful at that point – Can stand on it, drive on it, build on it.

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