The Rollercoaster Psalm - Psalm 25
Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Jul 7, 2018 (message contributor)
Summary: A look at Psalm 25 as we see David on a roller coaster ride of faith.
The Rollercoaster psalm
Psalm 25
July 8, 2018
Have you ever felt like life was like riding a massive never ending roller coaster? We talk about going through seasons of life - - - that means we have those good seasons, when we seem to be on a winning streak. Everything we do, seems to work out . . . but then without warning, the bottom drops out and we can’t win, it’s lose, lose, lose. So, we change up a few things, we change our schedule, we change our work, we change the way we get dressed in the morning, we do eveyrthing we can to change our routine - - hoping that something will kick in for us.
Have you ever felt that way? I think most of us have been there. Even in the midst of a single day, we can be on that roller coaster. It starts off great, then we spill the coffee, but after awhile we get over it, and the day improves, then we get a flat tire, change it, forget about it, we have a great lunch meeting, then it starts to rain and you left your windows down! It happens - - doesn’t it?
Well, today we’re going to look at a Psalm in which David seemed to be on a roller coaster ride, and it was impacted him in all ways - - spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. We’re going to look at Psalm 25. I’m going to take us through various parts of it, so we can see what’s going on with David - - and we’ll see some of his roller coaster ride. The Psalm starts ~
1 To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul.
2 O my God, in you I trust; let me not be put to shame; let not my enemies exult over me.
David starts out praising God. He is reaffirming his trust in the Lord. It is to you, O Lord, you only that I life up my soul. It is only to God that David gives praise and prayer. He continues by reminding God, it is only in you, God that I trust. There is no other way to worship. My hope, my eyes, my trust, my heart, they are given to you, Lord.
And because I worship you and you alone, Lord, David makes these requests – don’t let others shame me, don’t let them mock me and make fun of me - - AND don’t let my enemies be victorious over me, don’t let them celebrate my destruction. That’s what David is saying. It’s a petition to God - - it’s a deep prayer to God. There may even be a little doubt for David. Lord don’t let this happen, then in the next verse David affirms that this won’t happen. It’s part of our roller coaster ride of faith. He said ~
3 Indeed, none who wait for you shall be put to shame; they shall be ashamed who are wantonly treacherous.
Do you hear the confidence in David? In the previous verse it was a request, a prayer, Lord, don’t let this happen. Now, it’s like David is saying, “WOE!! Wait, nobody who waits for the Lord, nobody who says the Lord is mine will be put to shame. I believe, I trust in the power and strength of the Lord.
Don’t we do that sometimes. We go through our rough patches. We doubt a little. Not total doubt, just a little wondering . . . ‘God, can you really heal me? God, can you really give me the strength I need? God, can you help me child?’ We ask, but sometimes as we ask we still aren’t really sure God can or will give us the answer we hope for.
And while we many not get what we hoped for. David is affirming in the end, you will not be put to shame. You will be lifted up and those who ultimately pursue you will be put to shame. Sometimes it’s part of that roller coaster of faith. We believe, but we still kind of doubt a little.
It’s important to note that 3 times in this Psalm David states that he will wait for the Lord. He said it here in verse 3. He said it again in verses 5 and 21 ~
5 . . . for you I wait all the day long.
21 . . . for I wait for you.
How many times have we placed our trust in God, made requests of God, believed God could 100% do what we’ve asked . . .
THEN we take back our prayers and say, “Hold on God, I think I have a plan which will take care of my problems. Let me get back to you if this doesn’t work out!” How many times do we do that? We’re not willing to wait on the Lord. We want immediate gratification. We make our requests known to God and we want God to be that magical genie and give us everything we want. But we know that is not how it works, but we do it anyways.