
Summary: There is still a river that flows from God that contains everything we need to be happy.


PSALM 46: 1-11

1. There Is A River.

a. Ezekiel 47: 1-5

b. The streams wherof shall make glad the city

(people) of God

1. Salvation

2. Infiling of the Holy Spirit

3. Healing

4. Provisions

5. Joy

6. Peace

7. Love

8. Life everlasting------(Heaven)

c. The holy place of the tabernacles (dwelling

place) of the most High.

1. God lives with us and in us.

2. If He is for us, who can be against us?

d. God is in the midst of her.

1. Why would we want to be on the bank looking

in if God is in the river?

e. She shall not be moved. (shaken)

1. The church is solid and unshakable.

2. It is built upon a rock that the gates of

hell cannot prevail against it.

3. Satan can come against us in every kind of

problem,sickness,disease or even death----

but he cannot defeat us.------We are the

walking,talking,everlasting church of the

living God.

f. God shall help her, and that right early.

(at the break of dawn)

1. God wants to help us early in our problems--

But most of the timewe get in the way or we

go to fast to invite Him to help.

2. Psalm 65: 9-13 (Read)

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