
Summary: To show that Christ is returning soon and we must make sure we are personally ready to meet Him as well as our friends and family.

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Every year on Thanksgiving morning in New York City

there is a tradition that thrills young and old

alike. Early in the morning, warm or cold, rain or

shine, thousands line the city streets trying to get

the best spots. They wait for hours, which seem like

an eternity to many. And then it happens. It starts

out with the whine of sirens, but what follows is

magnificent. The streets for the next couple of

hours are filled with the sounds of marching bands

and the spectacles of brightly colored marvelous

floats and gigantic balloons floating in the air.

Yet, this is just the beginning. It is what is at

the end that everyone has come to see. It is the

arrival of the final float, on which sits a sleigh

being pulled by eight reindeer and loaded with

presents. Still, this is not what everyone has come

for. It is the one who is in the sleigh that brings

all the excitement. The jolly one himself who brings

hope and joy into every child’s imaginations, and

those of many adults as well. It is the annual

return of Santa Claus that sets everything in motion

for the holiday shopping season.

While, the yearly return of Santa is a thrilling

occurrence to be sure, this morning I am going to

talk about an even greater return that his. The

world has been waiting for 2,000 years for this

return, but it will be well worth it. It is the

return of Christ

<I Thessalonians 4:13-18>

Let’s consider here this morning two things in regard

to the second coming of Christ

I. Facts Of His Coming

A. It has been promised

<John 14:1-3>

<Revelation 22:7>

We can sometimes be skeptical about promises

Because we’ve seen them broken often

Because we’ve broken them often

But, God always keeps His promises

1. He doesn’t forget them

2. He doesn’t ignore them

3. He doesn’t replace them with other things

He said He was coming again and you know, He is!!!

B. It will happen soon

<Revelation 22:7, 12, 20>

<II Peter 3:8-9>

1. Day as a thousand years

2. He is waiting for more to repent

3. He will come unexpectedly

<Luke 12:40>

. C. It will be glorious

1. Not secretly

Every eye will see

<Revelation 1:7>

a. We will see God face to face

In all of His glory

b. We will see the scars of our sin

2. Not quietly

First coming was rather quiet

Other than for the shepherds in the fields

The trumpet will sound

<I Corinthians 15:51-52>

D. It will bring judgement to all

Not the most pleasant of thoughts

But the truest

<I Corinthians 4:5>

He is not just coming to get us, but to judge us

for what we have done on earth

Whether we accepted Christ or not

Whether we lived lives of holiness as His children

are called to do

<II Corinthians 5:10>

1. Those dead

Our dearly departed loved ones

Possibly us

2. Those living

At whatever time it is when Christ returns

II. Preparations To Make

A. Make sure you are ready

Have you ever heard the story of Jim and Jane’s

first date? - She was expecting him to show up.

She was dressed up and waiting patiently.

However, by the time he was an hour late, she

figured she had been stood up. So, she took off

her makeup, put on her pajamas, gathered all

the junk food in the pantry and sat down to

watch tv with the dog.

As her favorite show was just coming on, the

doorbell rang. It was her date. He stared at

her wide eyed: "I’m two hours late, and you’re

still not ready?"

Personally to meet Him

1. Give your heart to Christ

In total surrender

2. Live in holiness

By the power of the Holy Spirit

<I John 2:28-29>

B. Make sure your friends are ready

And family

Loved ones in general

At least making them aware of how to be ready

The decision to be ready is up to them

It’s time we get serious about sharing our faith

Our friends and family need it


This morning, I want you to know that Christ is

returning. He will be back very soon, quite possibly

in your lifetime. Maybe even today, we just don’t


Are you watching the clouds in wonderful anticipation

of His glorious appearing?

Are you waiting expectantly for Him to come back onto

the scene?

Or are you wandering in the spiritual desert, hoping He

holds off until you can get to the place where you

commit yourself fully to Him?

If that is you, this morning I call you to stop your

wandering and allow Christ to totally transform you

into the saint who will not fear His return

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